Endogenous 6-Hydroxymelatonin Excretion (Melatonin) and Subsequent Risk of Breast Cancer

Title: Endogenous 6-Hydroxymelatonin Excretion and Subsequent Risk of Breast Cancer: A Prospective Study

Principal Investigator: Paola Muti, MD, MS

Funding Agency: DOD

Period: 03/01/04 - 07/21/06 (grant transferred to the Italian National Cancer Institute 2/05)

Abstract: Paola Muti left the department 2/05, went to the Italian National Cancer Institute and transferred the grant there.

The proposed study presents the first attempt to evaluate the association of melatonin with breast cancer using data from a prospective cohort study in which several sources of possible biomarker variability have been controlled by study design. We propose to measure pre-diagnostic urine levels of the main melatonin metabolite, 6-OHMS, in urine stored at -80º C during the 17-year follow-up period. The proposed study will allow us to investigate the role of prediagnostic melatonin as a potential important factor underlying the association between environmental and life-style factors and breast cancer.