Braille Note Tutorial By Katie Beaver Module Nine Format Indicators You may have noticed when reading or writing in your documents that there are characters within the text that you did not type. These characters begin with dots 1,2,4,6 (ed) which, in computer braille, is a dollar sign. These are called format indicators and indicate when a line wraps to a new line, when the enter key was pressed, when a new page starts and when a new page was forced to start. For example: (ed)l - Line break caused by word wrap (ed)p - New line caused by pressing the enter key (ed)lf or (ed)lp - New page caused by word wrap (ed)f - New page caused by forcing a new page Centering a Line Create a new document. From within your document press enter with C. The Braille Note says, "center line." Type in the line to be centered (for example, type your name) and press enter. Look at the braille display. Note the (ed)p at the end of the display. This is because you pressed the enter key. Go to the beginning of file by pressing dots 1,2,3, with space. Note the (ed)c at the beginning of the file. This is the center line format indicator. This only shows when your cursor is on it. Go to the bottom of the document. The Format Menu Ink print settings are located in the Format Menu. These settings effect the way the document looks when printed in ink, but not when embossed. The format menu is used to change margins, line spacing, indenting and forcing a new page. Forcing a New Page From within your document press space with P. The Braille Note says, "new page." The braille display shows (ed)f. This forces a new page in braille, but you must do an additional step to cause this new page to print in ink. Press dots 2,3,4,6 (the) with space to go to the Format Menu Press the letter I. Braille Note says, "Inkprint Settings Menu." Press I again. Braille Note says, Inkprint Only Inclusion? Computer braille is required." Press space with P. Braille Note says, "New page." Press enter to return to your document. Braille Note says, "Inkprint only inclusion." When your cursor is on this indicator, it appears as (ed) oi. Note that this is not currently showing on your braille display. Go back one character by pressing dot 3 with space. The difficulty with that indictor is that is does not tell you it is a forced new page. That is why it helps to have a forced new braille page in the same place. It helps you locate the inkprint only inclusion indicator so you can delete it later if you want. Press dots 4,5,6 with space. Type your first name and then press enter. Changing the Top Margin The HP Inkjet printers work best when the top margin is set to 3. Once the margin is set to 3, you can save this setting as the default. To change the top margin: Go to format menu - dots 2,3,4,6 (the) with space Press I for inkprint settings menu Press P for inkprint page settings list Press space to Top Margin Type the number 3 and press enter To save this as the default setting, press backspace with S Then press space with e to exit back into your document. Paragraph Style While paragraphs in braille start on a new line and are indented, paragraphs in a text document often are not indented and are separated by a blank line. Simply pressing the enter key twice indicates a new paragraph and tabbing is not required. However, you can set a paragraph indent. Indenting first line of a paragraph From within a document, press dots 2,3,4,6 (the) with space to go to the Format Menu Press the letter I. Braille Note says, "Inkprint Settings Menu." Press L. Braille Note says, "Inkprint layout list." Press space until you hear, “Indent first line of paragraph, zero.” Type the number 5. Press space with E to exit Braille Note says, “confirm changes?” Type the letter Y Practice Within the document you are currently working in: 1.Type your name and press enter 2.Type your name again and press enter. When this is printed later on, the first line with your name will be indented, the second line with your name will not be indented. Double Spacing an Inkprint Document Line spacing is single unless you tell it otherwise. If you want the whole document double spaced, first move to the top of the document and then turn on double spacing. However, if you only want one section double spaced, move to the beginning of that section, turn on double spacing, then move to the end of that section, and turn on single spacing. Move to beginning of section (in this case, you do not need to move) Press dots 2,3,4,6, (the) with space Braille Note says "format menu" Press I (or space until you hear "ink print settings" and press enter.) Press L (or space until you hear "layout" and press enter.) Press space until you hear "line spacing currently ..." Type D for double and then press enter. Type E with space to exit Braille Note says, "confirm changes?" Type Y for yes Single spacing Follow the same procedure for single spacing except when prompted for spacing option Type S for single Underline, Boldface, and Italics Fonts You can enter text in underline, boldface or italics font by first turning the font on, then typing your text, then turning the font off again. Underline Press enter with F Braille Note says, "Font" Press the letter U Braille Note says, "Underline is off." Press N Braille Notes says, "On. Underline On." Type your name. Press enter with F Press U - Braille Note says, "Underline is on." Press F - Braille Note says, "Off. Underline Off." Press enter to start a new line. Boldface Press enter with F Braille Note says, "Font" Press the letter B Braille Note says, "Bold is off." Press N Braille Notes says, " On. Bold On." Type your name again. Press enter with F Press B - Braille Note says, "Bold is on." Press F - Braille Note says, "Off. Bold Off." Press enter to start a new line. Italics Press enter with F Braille Note says, "Font" Press the letter I Braille Note says, "Italic is off." Press N Braille Notes says, "On. Italic On." Type your name again. Press enter with F Press I - Braille Note says, "Italic is on." Press F - Braille Note says, "Off. Italic Off." Press enter to start a new line. Printing Press e with space to exit the document Press space until you hear, "Print a Document" and press enter until the document begins printing. Your print out will have 2 pages with a 1 inch top margin. Page one will have your name centered between the left and right margins. Page two line 1 will have your name at the left margin. Line 2 will have your name indented. Lines 3 to 5 will be double spaced. Line 3 will have your name underlined. Line 4 will have your name in boldface. Line 5 will have your name in italics. Finding a Page Break Indicator Go to the top of the document. Press F with space for find. Press F for forward. To search for the braille page break indicator, press space with P. Find your cursor on the braille display. Deleting an Ink Print Only Page Break Move forward one character by pressing enter with dot 6. You should now be on the (ed)oi that represents the ink print page break. Press space with dots 3,6 to delete the current character. Read the braille display and note that the indicator is gone.