Expanding National Capacity in PCOR Through Training & Collaboration (ENACT) Network

ENACT network group photo.

The ENACT Network was previously funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) through R25HS023185.

ENACT Network

Our Mission

“The ENACT Network is an interdisciplinary collaboration of researchers and educators dedicated to building capacity for stakeholder-driven, patient-centered, and comparative effectiveness research. ENACT seeks to enhance training and collaborative opportunities at Minority-and Hispanic-Serving Institutions to facilitate high-quality research that reduces health disparities and improves the health of vulnerable populations."

Our Partnering Institutions

The ENACT Network is comprised of partnering institutions from across the country. Many of these institutions have contributed substantially to the accomplishments of the ENACT Network.

Our Leadership Circle

The leadership circle formed during the 5 years of AHRQ funding that established the ENACT Network. It's made up of ENACT site-representatives, experiential training fellows, and included internal advisory committee members from the University of Pittsburgh.

Our Steering Committee

During the AHRQ-funded grant (2014-2020) that established the ENACT Network, operational and strategic decisions were made by the PI and co-directors in consultation with the Leadership Circle, which included site representatives from all partnering institutions, the 22 ENACT Fellows (who completed the one-year experiential training), and an internal advisory group from the University of Pittsburgh. After the completion of the AHRQ-funded period, and after the first annual ENACT Face-to-Face Meeting (in Puerto Rico, February 1, 2020), the Leadership Circle was restructured as a smaller Steering Committee (SC), with greater representation from the partnering institutions to facilitate a more bi-directional collaboration.

The SC subsequently began bi-monthly meetings in Fall, 2020 with the goals of 1) writing manuscripts on different aspects of the ENACT Network programs, 2) developing and writing funding proposals to build a more sustainable capacity for conducting CER and PCOR, and 3) discuss other agenda items of common interest to the Network

Presentations and Workshops

The section below lists the presentations, workshops and publications from ENACT Network former fellows and Steering Committee members.

Additional Research

The ENACT Network has successfully motivated a number of related efforts, which has also led to other extramural funding consistent with the mission of ENACT.

Hear Us logo.

Hear Us Study

The Hispanic, Black and Pacific Islander perspectives on COVID-19 Outreach Strategies and Patient Centered Outcomes (Hear US) Study, seeks to understand perspectives, preferences, and unmet needs of diverse communities who are often unheard and hard to reach.

Online Self-Guided Course

The Online Self-Guided Course, which is titled “Writing a Successful Concept Proposal in Patient-Centered Outcomes Research”, was created to guide trainees through the key aspects of PCOR methodology. As part of this publicly-available course, trainees complete a workbook to write their own project proposal.