Occupational Therapy BS/MS

Get the skills you need to maximize health, well-being and quality of life for all people, populations and communities by facilitating their participation in everyday living.

Earn Two Degrees at the University at Buffalo

UB is the only program within the SUNY system where students can complete both a BS and an MS to enter the field as an Occupational Therapist within five years of high school graduation or within three years of completing a bachelor's degree in a different field.

UB's occupational therapy program leads to a bachelor’s degree in occupational science and a master’s degree in occupational therapy in just five years from high school graduation. If you have already completed a bachelor’s in a different field, you can complete the program in three years once you meet the prerequisites.  

UB's program is flexible enough to meet your individual needs and interests while ensuring you are prepared to pass the national certification exam and state licensure requirements to enter the profession.

Affordable Tuition

When cost is a deciding factor in attending college, it's hard to find a better value than UB. The State University of New York remains committed to providing students with the best education possible at an affordable cost.

Approximate Total Cost of Attendance (Tuition + Fees)


NYS Resident/Excelsior

Non NYS Resident

5-Year BS/MS



3-Year BS/MS (for those with a previous Bachelor's degree) $46,400 $117,000

Career Opportunities

Occupations are the meaningful activities that occupy one's daily life, like cooking, driving, participating in school, sleeping, and socializing with friends!  Occupational therapists help people to achieve or regain the ability to participate in these occupations despite physical, cognitive, or psychosocial barriers. Occupational therapists work in all types of private, nonprofit and public settings, including schools, hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers and community health agencies. 

Fully Accredited


The BS/MS program in occupational therapy at UB is accredited through the 2026-2027 academic year by the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), located at 7501 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 510E Bethesda, MD 20814. ACOTE’s telephone number, c/o AOTA is (301) 652-AOTA.

Graduation Rates

Year Class of 2024 Class of 2023 Class of 2022 Total
Students Entering 49 48 50 147
Students Graduating 40 44 43 127
Graduation Rate 82% 92% 86% 86%

Note: Graduation rates were affected by the pandemic. The total number of graduates from the University at Buffalo Occupational Therapy BS/MS program during the three-year period of 2018 to 2020 was 182, representing an overall graduation rate of 93%.

(NBCOT) Pass Rates

Data related to pass rates for new graduates from 2015 onward can be found at the NBCOT website. By definition, candidates are labeled NG from their date of graduation through the next 365 days.  

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