Vijaya Prakash Krishnan Muthaiah


Vijaya Prakash Krishnan Muthaiah, PT, PhD.

Vijaya Prakash Krishnan Muthaiah


Vijaya Prakash Krishnan Muthaiah


Research Interests

Auditory/vestibular neurodegeneration in occupational hazards and neurotrauma such as blast induced traumatic brain injury and cerebrovascular accidents.


Vijaya Prakash Krishnan Muthaiah, PhD, is a physical therapist by training, and because of his passion in translational research, completed inter-disciplinary graduate studies in anatomy-molecular biology. 

Currently at the UB Brain Plasticity and Neurorehabilitation Laboratory, Muthaiah’s research investigates on how neurotrauma and occupational hazards (especially noise exposure) affects inner ear and respective higher centers of brain thereby focusing on auditory and vestibular neurodegeneration using both pre-clinical animal models and human subjects. His research is supported by three years post-doctoral training on occupational noise/heavy metal toxicity at the UB's Center for Hearing and Deafness, and two years post-doctoral training on moderate noise at Purdue University's Department of Speech-Language and Hearing Sciences.

Occupational hazards or traumatic insults such as acoustic trauma, ischemia or toxic chemicals damages the inners ear (cochlea and vestibular end organs) resulting in clinical manifestations such as hearing loss, balance disorders, cochlear synaptopathy, dizziness, vertigo. At BPNL, Muthaiah seeks to explore the plastic changes and mechanism of neurodegeneration at peripheral and cortical level, how it impairs the information processing from the perspectives of cellular and systems neuroscience. Insights from these studies facilitates the identification and validation of therapeutic targets and development of integrated rehabilitation approach for patients suffering from impairment of sensory and sensorimotor integration.

At present, Muthaiah’s research on “Potential of inhibition of poly ADP-ribose polymerase as a therapeutic approach in blast-induced cochlear and brain injury” is supported by funding from General Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons International through 2019 Emerging Research Grants of Hearing Health Foundation.


  • MPH, biostatistics, University at Buffalo (2023)
  • PhD, anatomy-molecular biology, University of Madras (2011)
  • MS, molecular biology, University of Madras (2005)
  • BS, physiotherapy, The Tamilnadu Dr.M.G. R Medical University (2003)

Professional Affiliations

  • Association for Research in Otolaryngology
  • Indian Academy of Neurosciences
  • Indian Association of Biomedical Scientists
  • Indian Association of Physiotherapists
  • International Brain Research Organization
  • Molecular and Cellular Cognition Society
  • Society for Neuroscience

Current Grants

Project Title: Hearing loss by the synergistic effect of chronic inhalation exposure of manganese fumes with occupational noise exposure (R21)

Funding Agency: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

Project Period: 12/01/24 to 11/30/26

Role: Principal Investigator

Amount: $429,792

Description: The overall objective is to characterize the potentiating effect of occupational noise on Mn ototoxicity using the inhalation route of exposure and using chinchilla as an experimental model.


Project Title:  Alleviating tinnitus and memory deficits induced by blast exposure.

Funding Agency: Veteran Affairs, 1 I01 RX003969-01A1, RR&D Merit Review Award

Project Period: 11/01/2024-10/31/2029 (5 Years)

Role: Co-Investigator (PI: Wei Sun) 

Amount:  1.2 Million

Description: Tinnitus and memory deficits caused by blast exposure and treatment will be on these disorders. As vestibular damage is commonly induced by blast injury, I will evaluate balance problems in these animal models.