Receiver operating characteristic curves analysis; measurement error; optimal designs; regression models; censored data; change point problems; sequential analysis; statistical epidemiology; biostatistics; applications of Bayesian approaches to tests; asymptomatic methods of statistics; forecasting; sampling; optimal testing; nonparametric tests; empirical likelihoods; renewal theory; tauberian theorems; time series; categorical analysis; multivariate analysis; multivariate testing of complex hypotheses; factor and principal component analysis
Journal Reviewer
Journal of American Statistical Association, American Journal of Epidemiology, the Canadian Journal of Statistics, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, Communications in Statistics -Theory and Methods, Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, Epidemiology, the Annals of Statistics, Toxicological Sciences, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Journal of Applied Statistics, Metrika, Statistics in Medicine, the Annals of Applied Statistics, Statistics, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Biostatistics, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Biometrika, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, Medical Decision Making, Statistical Methods and Applications, Advances in Decision Sciences, Statistics and Computing, Biometrical Journal, The American Statistician, Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice.