J Suyama, SJ McEntire, JC Rittenberger, D Rosalky, SE Reis, D Hostler. Pilot Study Examining the Effects of Atropine on Performance during Uncompensable Heat Stress. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2015 Nov 3:1-9. [Epub ahead of print]
D Hostler. Underwater RISKS. Recognizing & treating injuries caused by SCUBA diving. JEMS. 2015 Aug;40(8):46-9.
S Al-Zaiti, JC Rittenberger, S E Reis, D Hostler. Electrocardiographic responses during fire suppression and recovery among experienced firefighters. J Occup Environ Med. 2015 Sep;57(9):938-42.
SM McEntire, SE Reis, OE Suman, D Hostler. Effects of low dose aspirin therapy on thermoregulation in firefighters. Safety and Health at Work. 2015 Sep; 6(3):256-262.
D Hostler. Scorched Skin. A guide to prehospital burn management. JEMS: Journal of Emergency Medical Services 40(4):57-61, 2015.
Olafiranye O, Hostler D, Winger DG, Wang L, Reis SE. Effect of aspirin on acute changes in peripheral arterial stiffness and endothelial function following exertional heat stress in firefighters: The factorial group results of the Enhanced Firefighter Rehab Trial. Vasc Med. 2015 Jun;20(3):230-6.
Pryor RR, Roth RN, Suyama J, Hostler D. Exertional heat illness: emerging concepts and advances in prehospital care. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2015 Jun;30(3):297-305.
Pryor RR, Suyama J, Guyette FX, Reis SE, Hostler D. The effects of ice slurry ingestion before exertion in wildland firefighting gear. Prehosp Emerg Care 2015 Apr-Jun;19(2):241-6.
D Hostler. Burning breath: Assessing & treating smoke inhalation & airway burns in firefighters and civilian fire victims. JEMS: Journal of Emergency Medical Services 39(10):52-57, 2014.
Goss FL, Robertson RJ, Deldin A, Gibbs BB, Hostler D. Observation of OMNI scale of perceived exertion during fire suppression training. Perceptual & Motor Skills 119:183-190, 2014.
Al-Zaiti SS, Hostler D, Kozik TM, Pelter MM, Carey MG. Repolarization abnormalities in young athletes. Am J Crit Care. 23:345-6, 2014.
Franco V, Callaway C, Salcido D, McEntire S, Roth R, Hostler D. Characterization of Electrocardiogram Changes Throughout a Marathon. Eur. J. Applied Physiol. 114:1725-35, 2014.
Hostler D, Suyama, J, Guyette, FX, Moore, CG, Pryor, RR, Khorana, P, McEntire, SJ, Comer, D, Reis, SE. A randomized controlled trial of aspirin and exertional heat stress activation of platelets in firefighters during exertion in thermal protective clothing. Prehospital Emergency Care. 18:359-367, 2014.
Hostler D, Franco, V, Martin-Gill, C, Roth, RN. Recognition and treatment of exertional heat illness at a marathon race. Prehospital Emergency Care. 18:456-459, 2014.
Weaver MD, Rittenberger, JC, Patterson, PD, McEntire, SJ, Corcos, AC, Ziembicki, JA, Hostler, D. Risk factors for hypothermia in EMS-treated burn patients. Prehospital Emergency Care. 18:335-341, 2014.
Goss FL, Robertson RJ, Gallagher, Jr. M, Haile L, Morley J, Suyama J, Hostler D. Validation of OMNI Scales of Thermal Stress. Perceptual & Motor Skills. 116:773-783, 2013.
Patterson PD, J Suyama J, S Reis S, M Weaver M, D Hostler. What does it cost to prevent on-duty firefighter cardiac events? A content valid method for calculating costs. Advances in Preventive Medicine. 2013;2013:972724. doi: 10.1155/2013/972724.
Hostler D, Weaver MD, Ziembicki JA, Kowger HL, McEntire SJ, Rittenberger JC, Callaway CW, Patterson PD and Corcos AC. Admission temperature and survival in patients admitted to burn centers. Journal of Burn Care and Research. 34:498-506, 2013.