The ENACT Network was previously funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) through R25HS023185.
“The ENACT Network is an interdisciplinary collaboration of researchers and educators dedicated to building capacity for stakeholder-driven, patient-centered, and comparative effectiveness research. ENACT seeks to enhance training and collaborative opportunities at Minority-and Hispanic-Serving Institutions to facilitate high-quality research that reduces health disparities and improves the health of vulnerable populations."
The ENACT Network is comprised of partnering institutions from across the country. Many of these institutions have contributed substantially to the accomplishments of the ENACT Network.
The leadership circle formed during the 5 years of AHRQ funding that established the ENACT Network. It's made up of ENACT site-representatives, experiential training fellows, and included internal advisory committee members from the University of Pittsburgh.
Magda Shaheen, MD, PhD, MPH | Charles Drew University |
Todd Seto, MD, MS | University of Hawaii |
Patricia Talbert, PhD, MPH, MS, CPHA, CHES, cPHN | Howard University |
Enid J. Garcia Rivera, MD, MPH | University of Puerto Rico |
Alexander Quarshie, MD, MS | Morehouse School of Medicine |
Consuelo H. Wilkins, MD, MSCI | Meharry Medical College |
Alexandra Perez, PharmD, MS | Nova Southeastern University |
Sylvie Akohoue, PhD | Meharry Medical College. (2015 Cohort) |
Cynthia Gonzalez, PhD, MPH | Charles Drew University. (2015 Cohort) |
Karen Martinez, MD, MSc | University of Puerto Rico. (2015 Cohort) |
Priscilla Pemu, MD, MSCR | Morehouse School of Medicine. (2015 Cohort) |
Firew Wubiee, MD, MS | Howard University. (2015 Cohort) |
Marshaleen King, MBBS, MSCR, FCCP | Morehouse School of Medicine. (2016 Cohort) |
Mary Helen Mays, PhD, MSHI, MPH, MBA, RD | University of Puerto Rico. (2016 Cohort) |
Tetine Sentell, PhD | University of Hawaii. (2016 Cohort) |
Janet Southerland, PhD, DDS | Meharry Medical College. (2016 Cohort) |
Deborah Taira, ScD | University of Hawaii. (2016 Cohort) |
Sylvia Anderson, DHEd, MBA, OTR/L | Howard University. (2017 Cohort) |
Jennifer Elia, DrPH, MPH | University of Hawaii. (2017 Cohort) |
Maria Loza, DMD, MS | University of Puerto Rico. (2017 Cohort) |
Darlene Santiago, PhD Download pdf | University of Puerto Rico. (2017 Cohort) |
Patricia Talbert, PhD, MPH, MS, CPHA, CHES, cPHN | Howard University. (2017 Cohort) |
Jennifer Cunningham Erves, PhD, MPH, MEd, MS, CHES | Meharry Medical College (2018 Cohort) |
Hirut Gebrekristos, PhD, MPH | Morehouse School of Medicine (2018 Cohort) |
Alexandra Perez, PharmD, MS | Nova Southeastern University (2018 Cohort) |
Chimene Castor, EdD, CHES, MS, RDN | Howard University (2019 Cohort) |
Genevieve Hale, PharmD, BCPS | Nova Southeastern University (2019 Cohort) |
Sandi Kwee, PhD, MD | University of Hawaii. (2019 Cohort) |
Elsa M. Orellano, PhD, MSc, OTR/L, ATP | University of Puerto Rico (2019 Cohort) |
Esa Davis, MD, MPH | University of Pittsburgh |
Paula Davis, MA | University of Pittsburgh |
Wishwa Kapoor, MD, MPH | University of Pittsburgh |
Liz Miller, MD, PhD | University of Pittsburgh |
Natalia Morone, MD, MS | Boston University |
Sally C. Morton, PHD, MS | Virginia Tech |
Marie Norman, PhD | University of Pittsburgh |
Chenits Pettigrew, Jr., EdD | University of Pittsburgh |
Doris Rubio, PhD | University of Pittsburgh |
Jeanette South-Paul, MD | University of Pittsburgh |
Susan Zickmund, PHD | University of Utah |
During the AHRQ-funded grant (2014-2020) that established the ENACT Network, operational and strategic decisions were made by the PI and co-directors in consultation with the Leadership Circle, which included site representatives from all partnering institutions, the 22 ENACT Fellows (who completed the one-year experiential training), and an internal advisory group from the University of Pittsburgh. After the completion of the AHRQ-funded period, and after the first annual ENACT Face-to-Face Meeting (in Puerto Rico, February 1, 2020), the Leadership Circle was restructured as a smaller Steering Committee (SC), with greater representation from the partnering institutions to facilitate a more bi-directional collaboration.
The SC subsequently began bi-monthly meetings in Fall, 2020 with the goals of 1) writing manuscripts on different aspects of the ENACT Network programs, 2) developing and writing funding proposals to build a more sustainable capacity for conducting CER and PCOR, and 3) discuss other agenda items of common interest to the Network
Doug Landsittel, PhD | University at Buffalo |
Deborah Taira, ScD | University of Hawaii at Manoa |
Karen Martinez, MD, MSc | University of Puerto Rico |
Chimene Castor, EdD, RDN,LDN, CHES, FAND | Howard University |
Elsa Orellano-Colon, PHD, MSc, OTR/L, ATP | University of Puerto Rico |
Jennifer Cunningham Erves, PhD, CHES | Meharry Medical College |
Kristin Kropf, MS | University of Pittsburgh |
Sandi Kwee, MD, MSc, PhD | University of Hawaii at Manoa |
Mary Helen Mays, PhD, MPH, MBA, RD | University of Puerto Rico |
Alexandra Perez, Pharm.D., MS | Nova Southeastern University |
Alexander Quarshie, MD, MS | Morehouse School of Medicine |
Enid J Garcia Rivera, MD, MPH | University of Puerto Rico |
Darlene Santiago, PhD, MS Download pdf | University of Puerto Rico |
Tetine Sentell, PhD | University of Hawaii at Manoa |
Todd Seto, MD, MS | University of Hawaii at Manoa |
Janet Southerland, DDS, MPH, PhD | The University of Texas Medical Branch |
Patricia Talbert, PhD, MPH, MS, CPHA, CHES, cPHN | Howard University |
Barbara Segarra-Vazquez, D.H.Sc | University of Puerto Rico |
The section below lists the presentations, workshops and publications from ENACT Network former fellows and Steering Committee members.
Presentations and Workshops
Albizu CE, Caraballo JN, Caraballo-Correa G, Santiago D, Mendez A, Rivera-Suazo S. Assessing Stigma Towards Drug Users Among Health Care Providers. Oral Presentation at the College of Problems on Drug Dependence Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, June 2018.
DA Taira, J Davis, CL Albright, C Aipoalani, W Sumida. Immigration Status Related to Health and Cost of Care. Poster Presentation at the RCMI Translational Science Conference, Washington, DC, November 2017.
D Santiago, Chengli S, D Landsittel. Access to Substance Abuse Treatments: Whites and Hispanics. Poster Presentation at the RCMI Translational Science Conference, Washington, DC, November 2017.
D Santiago. Access to Substance Abuse Treatments: Whites and Hispanics. Oral Presentation For Serving the Underserved: Health Disparities at the CPDD Annual Scientific Meeting, San Diego, CA, June 2018.
Hale GM, Joseph T, Singh-Franco D. An evaluation of practitioners’ preference of stroke risk tools in nonvalvular atrial fibrillation: CHA2DS2VASC versus CHADS2. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. March 2018;71(11):2629 .
Hale GM. CE Presentation (Live Webinar) for the Alpha Zeta Omega (AZO) Pharmaceutical Fraternity entitled "The 2017 versus JNC8 8 Guidelines" in May 2018.
Landsittel D, T Sentell, D Taira, J Southerland, MH Mays, M Henriques-Forsythe, K Kropf, M Norman. Training in Patient-Centered Comparative Effectiveness Research: Challenges and Solutions. Poster Presentation at the MeTRC Health Disparities Conference, November 2016.
Landsittel, D. Patient-Centered Outcomes and Comparative Effectiveness Research, Invited Presentation for the American Dental Association Evidence-Based Dentistry Champions 2.0 Conference, Chicago, IL, May, 2014.
Landsittel D, Topp, A, Cohen E, Chang J, Morton S. Modeling Strategies for Patient-Centered Comparative Effectiveness Research. Invited Presentation (and Organizer of the Invited Session) for the Joint Statistical Meetings, Seattle, WA, August, 2015.
Landsittel D, Topp, A, Cohen E, Chang J, Morton S. Selecting Optimal Observational Methods for Comparative Effectiveness Research. Invited Presentation for the International Conference on Health Policy Statistics, Providence, RI, October, 2015.
Landsittel, D. Practical applications and decisions for using propensity score methods. Invited Presentation for the Causal Inference Methods for PCOR Using Observational Data Conference, Washington, DC, February, 2016.
Landsittel, D. Why and How Methods Matter to PCORI (and thus should matter to you!). Invited Presentation for a Panel Discussion on Writing a Fundable PCORI Grant for the Translational Science Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, April, 2016.
Landsittel D, Chang J, Topp, A, Morton S. Causal inference methods for CER: When to use which methods and why. Invited Presentation for the Eastern North American Biometrics Meeting, Washington, DC, March, 2017.
Landsittel, D, Marantz P, Suarez-Almazor M, Nourjah P Training Researcher Communities in Patient-Centered Outcomes Research. Invited Panel Discussion. Translational Science (Cancelled due to COVID-19), April, 2020.
Landsittel, D. Challenges and approaches in training clinical researchers in causal inference methods. Invited Roundtable. Section on Teaching in Health Statistics, Joint Statistical Meeting, (Virtual due to COVID-19; originally scheduled for Philadelphia, PA), August, 2020
Landsittel D, Chang J Statistical Methods for Patient-Centered Comparative Effectiveness Research, Invited Half-day Workshop at the Annual Meeting for the Society for Medical Decision Making, Miami, FL, October, 2014.
Landsittel, D. Patient-centered comparative effectiveness research as a tool for transformative change. Keynote Address for the Puerto Rico Clinical and Translational Research Consortium (PRCTRC) Scientific Day Conference, San Juan, PR, April, 2015.
Landsittel, D. Guidelines for Causal Inference Methods in Observational Comparative Effectiveness Research. Invited Workshop at the International Conference for Health Policy Statistics, Charleston, SC, January, 2018.
Landsittel, D. Methods for Comparative Effectiveness and Casual Inference. Invited Workshop at the 3rd Novel Methodologies in Health Disparities Research Symposium, San Juan, PR, January, 2020.
Sentell T, Shen C, Landsittel D, Taira D. Hypertension Medication Access and Self-Management Among the Elderly by Education:Insights from the 2013 USA Medicare Current Beneficiary’s Survey. Poster Presentation at the ISPOR 20th Annual European Congress, November 2017. *Poster selected as an ISPOR 20th Annual European Congress Research Presentation Award Finalist.*
Sentell T, Landsittel D, Taira D, Seto T. Problems Related to Education and Literacy in the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project National Inpatient Sample. Oral presentation for the International Conference on Communication in Healthcare 2019.
T Sentell, C Shen, D Landsittel, DA Taira. Hypertension Medications in the Elderly by Education and Race. Poster Presentation at the RCMI Translational Science Conference, Washington, DC, November 2017.
Berenson, A.B., Hirth, J.M. and Southerland, J.H., 2020. Knowledge of human papillomavirus among dental providers: A mixed methods study. Vaccine, 38(3), pp.423-426.
Blanc, J., Louis, E.F., Joseph, J., Castor, C. and Jean-Louis, G., 2020. What the world could learn from the Haitian resilience while managing COVID-19. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 12(6), p.569.
Blizzard, S., Verbosky, N., Stein, B., Hale, G., Patel, N., Chau, Y. and Cave, B., 2019. Evaluation of pharmacist impact within an interdisciplinary inpatient heart failure consult service. Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 53(9), pp.905-915.
Colon, C., Cotto, R., Diaz, M., Martinez, I., Salas, P., Hale, G. and Khanfar, N., 2020. Patient Assistance Programs and Technology in Medication Adherence. INNOVATIONS in pharmacy, 11(2), pp.9-9.
Cunningham-Erves, J., Barajas, C., Mayo-Gamble, T.L., McAfee, C.R., Hull, P.C., Sanderson, M., Canedo, J., Beard, K. and Wilkins, C.H., 2020. Formative research to design a culturally-appropriate cancer clinical trial education program to increase participation of African American and Latino communities. BMC Public Health, 20, pp.1-14.
Cunningham-Erves, J., Koyama, T., Huang, Y., Jones, J., Wilkins, C.H., Harnack, L., McAfee, C. and Hull, P.C., 2019. Providers’ perceptions of parental human papillomavirus vaccine hesitancy: cross-sectional study. JMIR cancer, 5(2), p.e13832.
Cunningham-Erves, J., Deakings, J., Mayo-Gamble, T., Kelly-Taylor, K. and Miller, S.T., 2019. Factors influencing parental trust in medical researchers for child and adolescent patients’ clinical trial participation. Psychology, health & medicine, 24(6), pp.691-702.
Cunningham-Erves, J., Forbes, L., Ivankova, N., Mayo-Gamble, T., Kelly-Taylor, K. and Deakings, J., 2018. Black mother's intention to vaccinate daughters against HPV: A mixed methods approach to identify opportunities for targeted communication. Gynecologic oncology, 149(3), pp.506-512.
Cunningham-Erves, J., Joosten, Y., Bruce, M.A., Elzey, J., Luther, P., Lipham, L., Vaughn, Y., Micah, T., Wilkins, C.H. and Miller, S.T., 2018. Comprehensive strategy for capturing and integrating community input into community research training curricula. Journal of clinical and translational science, 2(1), pp.1-7.
Cunningham-Erves, J.L., Kelly-Taylor, K.D., Mayo-Gamble, T.L., Deakings, J.A. and Talbott, L.L., 2018. A Physician’s Recommendation for Human Papillomavirus Vaccination: What Makes African–American Mothers Compliant?. The Pediatric infectious disease journal, 37(8), pp.e222-e225.
Cunningham‐Erves, J., Mayo‐Gamble, T., Vaughn, Y., Hawk, J., Helms, M., Barajas, C. and Joosten, Y., 2020. Engagement of community stakeholders to develop a framework to guide research dissemination to communities. Health Expectations.
Cunningham-Erves, J., Villalta-Gil, V., Wallston, K.A., Boyer, A.P. and Wilkins, C.H., 2019. Racial differences in two measures of trust in biomedical research. Journal of clinical and translational science, 3(2-3), pp.113-119.
Davis, J., Lim, E., Taira, D.A. and Chen, J., 2019. Healthcare Network Analysis of Patients With Diabetes and Their Physicians. The American journal of managed care, 25(7), p.e192.
Davis, J., Lim, E., Taira, D.A. and Chen, J., 2020. Relation of the Networks Formed by Diabetic Patients Sharing Physicians With Emergency Department Visits and Hospitalizations. Medical Care, 58(9), pp.800-804.
Delafield, R., Elia, J., Chang, A., Kaneshiro, B., Sentell, T. and Pirkle, C.M., 2020. Perspectives and Experiences of Obstetricians Who Provide Labor and Delivery Care for Micronesian Women in Hawai ‘i: What Is Driving Cesarean Delivery Rates?. Qualitative Health Research, p.1049732320942484.
Estapé, E.S., Ortíz, C., Mays, M.H. and Laras, L., 2020. Data mining to transform clinical and translational research findings into precision health. In Artificial Intelligence in Precision Health (pp. 149-173). Academic Press.
Evangelista, E.B., Kwee, S.A., Sato, M.M., Wang, L., Rettenmeier, C., Xie, G., Jia, W. and Wong, L.L., 2019. Phospholipids are A Potentially Important Source of Tissue Biomarkers for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Results of a Pilot Study Involving Targeted Metabolomics. Diagnostics, 9(4), p.167.
Fernandes, S.G.G., Pirkle, C.M., Sentell, T., Costa, J.V., Maciel, A.C.C. and da Câmara, S.M.A., 2020. Association between self-rated health and physical performance in middle-aged and older women from Northeast Brazil. Peer J, 8, p.e8876.
Gonsai, N.H., Amin, V.H., Mendpara, C.G., Speth, R. and Hale, G.M., 2018. Effects of dopamine receptor antagonist antipsychotic therapy on blood pressure. Journal of clinical pharmacy and therapeutics, 43(1), pp.1-7.
Hale, G.M., 2020. Assessing Relatively Equivalent Therapeutic Insulin Options to Increase Access to Insulin in Our Community.
Hale, G.M., Joseph, T., Maravent, S., Stern, D., Alameddine, S., Stultz, K., Santiago, A.N., Miller, J.C., Scott, K., Rodriguez, M.M. and Perez, A., 2018. Effect of interprofessional collaboration on quality of life in elderly patients with cardiovascular disease. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 12, pp.25-28.
Hale, G.M., Joseph, T., Moreau, C., Levin, A., Seamon, M.J. and Sando, K.R., 2020. From Volume to Value–Integrating Clinical Faculty into Accountable Care Organizations.
Hale, G.M., Joseph, T., Moreau, C., Prados, Y., Gernant, S., Schneller, M., Jones, R., Seamon, M. and Rodriguez, H., 2018. Establishment of outpatient rounds by an interprofessional chronic care management team. The Bulletin of the American Society of Hospital Pharmacists, 75(10), pp.598-601.
Hernández-Agosto, J., Melin, K., Rosa-Vega, J., Carlo-Frontera, E., Rodríguez-Ochoa, A. and Santiago-Quiñones, D., 2020. The Development of a Knowledge Test on Transgender Patients’ Care. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(19), p.7192.
Husaini, B., Taira, D., Norris, K., Moonis, M. and Levine, R., 2017. Depression effects on hospital cost of heart failure patients in California: An analysis by ethnicity & gender. Journal of Cardiac Failure, 23(8), p.S77.
Joseph, T., Hale, G.M., Gernant, S., Moreau, C., Prados, Y., Jones, R. and Seamon, M.J., 2020. Pharmacists in ACOs Part 3: Chronic Care Management, Chronic Disease State Management, and Transition of Care.
Kostareva, U., Albright, C.L., Berens, E.M., Levin-Zamir, D., Aringazina, A., Lopatina, M., Ivanov, L.L. and Sentell, T.L., 2020. International Perspective on Health Literacy and Health Equity: Factors That Influence the Former Soviet Union Immigrants. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(6), p.2155.
Kwee, S.A., Peplowska, K., Farrar, C., Wong, L., Song, M.A. and Tiirikainen, M., 2020. RASSF1 promoter hypermethylation is associated with activated CTNNB1 pathways in hepatocellular carcinoma.
Kwee, S.A., Tiirikainen, M., Sato, M.M., Acoba, J.D., Wei, R., Jia, W., Le Marchand, L. and Wong, L.L., 2019. Transcriptomics associates molecular features with 18F-fluorocholine PET/CT imaging phenotype and its potential relationship to survival in hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer research, 79(7), pp.1696-1704.
Landsittel, D.P., Kessler, L., Schmid, C.H., Marantz, P. and Suarez-Almazor, M.E., 2017. Training in patient-centered outcomes research for specific researcher communities. Journal of clinical and translational science, 1(5), pp.278-284.
Landsittel, D., Srivastava, A. and Kropf, K., 2020. A narrative review of methods for causal inference and associated educational resources. Quality Management in Health Care, 29(4), pp.260-269.
LaWall, E., Wu, Y.Y., Fan, V.Y., Ashton, M. and Sentell, T., 2019. Peer Reviewed: Living Alone and Homelessness as Predictors of 30-Day Potentially Preventable Hospital Readmission. Preventing chronic disease, 16.
Lehr, C.A., Tan, C.S. and Ysseldyke, J., 2009. Alternative schools: A synthesis of state-level policy and research. Remedial and Special Education, 30(1), pp.19-32.
Martínez Gonzales, K.J., 2020. Violencia familiar y afrontamiento del estrés en estudiantes del nivel secundario en instituciones educativas públicas del distrito Los Olivos, Lima 2019.
Mayo-Gamble, T.L., Barnes, P.A., Cunningham Erves, J., Middlestadt, S.E. and Lin, H.C., 2018. ‘It means everyone should know their status’: exploring lay conceptions of sickle cell trait and sickle cell trait screening among African Americans within middle reproductive age. Ethnicity & Health, 23(7), pp.813-829.
Mayo-Gamble, T.L., Middlestadt, S.E., Lin, H.C., Cunningham-Erves, J., Barnes, P. and Jackson, P.B., 2018. Identifying factors underlying the decision for sickle cell carrier screening among African Americans within middle reproductive age. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 27(5), pp.1302-1311.
Mayo-Gamble, T.L., Murry, V.M., Cunningham-Erves, J., Cronin, R.M., Lari, N., Gorden, A., Scott, L., DeBaun, M.R. and Thompson, T., 2020. Engaging Individuals with Sickle Cell Disease in Patient-Centered Outcomes Research: A Community Health Ambassador Training Model. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 31(1), pp.353-369.
Mayo‐Gamble, T.L., Schlundt, D., Cunningham‐Erves, J., Murry, V.M., Bonnet, K., Quasie‐Woode, D. and Mouton, C.P., 2019. Sickle cell carriers' unmet information needs: Beyond knowing trait status. Journal of genetic counseling, 28(4), pp.812-821.
McGurk, M.D., Vu, N.D., Cacal, S.L., Pirkle, C.M. and Sentell, T.L., Injury-risks of participation in LTPA soccer may disproportionately affect Hispanic males, who are most likely to play soccer but tend to have less health insurance.
Milla, C., Guo, M., Chang, A., Chen, N., Miyamura, J. and Sentell, T., 2019. Patient Perspectives in Comparing Hospitals for Childbirth: Insights from Hawai ‘i. Hawai'i Journal of Medicine & Public Health, 78(3), p.89.
Molina, T., Sentell, T., Akee, R.Q., Onaka, A., Halliday, T.J. and Horiuchi, B., 2020. The Mortality Effects of Reduced Medicaid Coverage Among International Migrants in Hawaii: 2012–2018. American journal of public health, 110(8), pp.1205-1207.
Moreau, C., Hale, G.M., Joseph, T., Santiago, A.A.N., Maravent, S. and Steinberg, J.G., 2020. Development and evaluation of physician-precepted advanced pharmacy practice experiences (APPEs) within an accountable care organization (ACO). Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 12(4), pp.465-471.
Morillas-España, A., Lafarga, T., Gómez-Serrano, C., Acién-Fernández, F.G. and González-López, C.V., 2020. Year-long production of Scenedesmus almeriensis in pilot-scale raceway and thin-layer cascade photobioreactors. Algal Research, 51, p.102069.
Ng, T.M., DiDomenico, R.J., Ripley, T.L., Benge, C.D., Buckley, L.F., Campbell, K.B., Hale, G.M., Macaulay, T.E., Nappi, J.M., Pickworth, K.K. and Short, M.R., 2020. An opinion paper of the Cardiology Practice and Research Network of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy: Recommendations for training of cardiovascular pharmacy specialists in postgraduate year 2 residency programs. Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy, 3(1), pp.95-108.
Ofili, E.O., Schanberg, L.E., Hutchinson, B., Sogade, F., Fergus, I., Duncan, P., Hargrove, J., Artis, A., Onyekwere, O., Batchelor, W. and Williams, M., 2019. The Association of Black Cardiologists (ABC) Cardiovascular Implementation Study (CVIS): A Research Registry Integrating Social Determinants to Support Care for Underserved Patients. International journal of environmental research and public health, 16(9), p.1631.
Orellano-Colón, E.M., Abdalla-Mukhaimer, N., Rodríguez-Ramos, B.A., Rodríguez-Robles, R., Rivero-Méndez, M., Lizama-Troncoso, M., Jutai, J.W., Jiménez-Velázquez, I.Z., Varas-Díaz, N. and Hallman-Navarro, D., 2020. Self-Management Strategies Used by Older Hispanic Women to Overcome Functional Disabilities. Physical & Occupational Therapy In Geriatrics, pp.1-29.
Orellano-Colón, E.M., Rivero-Méndez, M., Boneu-Meléndez, C.X., Solís-Báez, S., León-Astor, A., Juliá-Pacheco, M., del Mar Santiago-Cruz, M. and Jutai, J.W., Collaborative engagement of Hispanic communities in the planning, conducting, and dissemination of assistive technology research. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, pp.1-8.
Patel, H., Simpson, A., Palevoda, G. and Hale, G.M., 2018. Evaluating the effectiveness of atomoxetine for the treatment of primary orthostatic hypotension in adults. Journal of clinical hypertension, 20(4), p.794.
Perez, A., Speth, R. and Saavedra, J., 2020. Trends in Angiotensin Receptor Blocker Use Among those at Risk for COVID-19 Morbidity and Mortality in the United States. medRxiv.
Pirkle, C.M., Ylli, A., Burazeri, G. and Sentell, T.L., 2018. Social and community factors associated with hypertension awareness and control among older adults in Tirana, Albania. European Journal of Public Health, 28(6), pp.1163-1168.
Pozzi-Lorenzo, V.G., Delgado-Martínez, F.Y., Butler-Sánchez, M., Melin, K. and Santiago-Quiñones, D.I., 2020. Physicochemical Evaluation of Compounded Oral Preparations for Respiratory Illnesses, also known as Mezclitas. Puerto Rico Health Sciences Journal, 39(2), pp.189-194.
Quasie-Woode, D.P., Cunningham-Erves, J. and Mayo-Gamble, T.L., 2020. The Use of Religion in the Management of Depression in Sickle Cell Disease: A Systematic Review. Journal of Religion and Health.
Raidoo, S., Tschann, M., Elia, J., Kaneshiro, B. and Soon, R., 2019. 26. Impact of Sociocultural Norms on Sexual Behavior and Contraceptive Practices Among Adolescents and Young People. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, 32(2), pp.204-205.
Raidoo, S., Tschann, M., Elia, J., Kaneshiro, B. and Soon, R., 2020. Dual-method contraception among adolescents and young people: are long-acting reversible contraception users different? A qualitative study. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, 33(1), pp.45-52.
Santiago, D., Mendoza, A., Morales, Z. and Santos, J., 2020. Characterization of Amorphous Celecoxib Mixed with Plasticizing (TPGS) and Anti-plasticizing (PVP) Ingredients Using Hot Melt Extrusion. Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation, 15(3), pp.357-364.
Seguí, H.A., Melin, K., Quiñones, D.S. and Duconge, J., 2020. A review of the pharmacogenomics of buprenorphine for the treatment of opioid use disorder. Journal of translational genetics and genomics, 4, p.263.
Sentell, T., Agner, J., Pitt, R., Davis, J., Guo, M. and McFarlane, E., 2020. Considering health literacy, health decision making, and health communication in the social networks of vulnerable new mothers in Hawai ‘i: A pilot feasibility study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(7), p.2356.
Sentell, T.L., Ching, L., Cacal, S.L. and Rowan, K., 2019. Community-Clinical Linkages Within Health Care in Hawai ‘i: History, Innovation, and Future Directions. Hawai'i Journal of Medicine & Public Health, 78(6 Suppl 1), p.3.
Sentell, T., Choi, S.Y., Ching, L., Quensell, M., Keliikoa, L.B., Corriveau, É. and Pirkle, C., 2020. Peer Reviewed: Prevalence of Selected Chronic Conditions Among Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults in Acute Care Settings in Hawai ‘i. Preventing chronic disease, 17.
Sentell, T., da Câmara, S.M.A., Ylli, A., Velez, M.P., Domingues, M.R., Bassani, D.G., Guo, M. and Pirkle, C.M., 2019. Data gaps in adolescent fertility surveillance in middle-income countries in Latin America and South Eastern Europe: Barriers to evidence-based health promotion. South Eastern European journal of public health, 11.
Sentell, T., Kearney, M., Hazen, A., Dela Cruz, M.R., Yamauchi, J., McHenry, L., Rodericks, B. and Massey, P., 2020. Do you Vape With Aloha?: How culture and place are used to spread misinformation on Instagram. European Journal of Public Health, 30(Supplement_5), pp.ckaa165-1005.
Sentell, T., Kennedy, F., Seto, T., Vawer, M., Chiriboga, G., Valdez, C., Garrett, L.M., Paloma, D. and Taira, D., 2020. Sharing the patient experience: a “talk story” intervention for heart failure management in native Hawaiians. Journal of patient experience, 7(3), pp.399-407.
Sentell, T.L., Shen, C., Landsittel, D., Mays, M.H., Southerland, J., King, M.H. and Taira, D.A., 2018. Racial/ethnic differences in those accompanying Medicare patients to the doctor: insights from the 2013 Medicare Current Beneficiary’s Survey. Journal of immigrant and minority health, 20(4), pp.776-783.
Sentell, T.L., Seto, T.B., Quensell, M.L., Malabed, J.M., Guo, M., Vawer, M.D., Braun, K.L., Taira, D.A., Sentell, T.L. and Nakata, M.N., 2020. Insights in Public Health: Outpatient Care Gaps for Patients Hospitalized with Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions in Hawai ‘i: Beyond Access and Continuity of Care. Hawai'i Journal of Health & Social Welfare, 79(3), p.91.
Sentell, T., Vamos, S. and Okan, O., 2020. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Health Literacy Research Around the World: More Important Than Ever in a Time of COVID-19.
Singh-Franco, D., Hale, G. and Jacobs, R.J., 2018. Oral anticoagulation therapy upon discharge in hospitalized patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation: a retrospective cohort study. Hospital Practice, 46(1), pp.22-29.
Stein, B., Ward, T., Hale, G. and Lyver, E., 2020. Safety of High-Intensity Statins in the Veteran Population: Atorvastatin 40 to 80 mg Compared With Rosuvastatin 20 to 40 mg. Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 54(5), pp.405-413.
Stevens, K., Elia, J., Kaneshiro, B., Salcedo, J., Soon, R. and Tschann, M., 2020. Updating fetal foot length to gestational age references: a chart review of abortion cases from 2012 to 2014. Contraception, 101(1), pp.10-13.
Stewart, E.C., Erves, J.C., Hargreaves, M.K., Duke, J.M., Sanderson, M., Rowan, N. and Miller, S.T., 2020. Developing an Infrastructure to Cultivate Equitable and Sustainable Community-Academic Research Partnerships: Meharry Community Engagement Core. Journal of the National Medical Association.
Stupplebeen, D.A., Barnett-Sherrill, A.T. and Sentell, T.L., 2019. Community Health Workers in Hawai ‘i: A Scoping Review and Framework Analysis of Existing Evidence. Hawai'i Journal of Medicine & Public Health, 78(6 Suppl 1), p.6.
Stupplebeen, D.A., Pirkle, C.M., Sentell, T.L., Nett, B.M., Ilagan, L.S., Juan, B., Medeiros, J. and Keliikoa, L.B., 2020. Peer Reviewed: Self-Measured Blood Pressure Monitoring: Program Planning, Implementation, and Lessons Learned From 5 Federally Qualified Health Centers in Hawai ‘i. Preventing Chronic Disease, 17.
Stupplebeen, D., Sentell, T.L., Ching, L., Nett, B., Taylor, H., Lemmen, T. and Pirkle, C.M., 2019. Electronic Medical Record Algorithm to Identify Undiagnosed (Pre) Diabetes: A Case Study from Hawaiʻi. Innovation in Aging, 3(Supplement_1), pp.S934-S934.
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Taira, D., Sentell, T., Albright, C., Lansidell, D., Nakagawa, K., Seto, T. and Stevens, J.M., 2017. Insights in Public Health: Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring: Underuse in Clinical Practice in Hawai ‘i. Hawai'i Journal of Medicine & Public Health, 76(11), p.314.
Taira, D.A., Seto, B.K., Davis, J.W., Seto, T.B., Landsittel, D. and Sumida, W.K., 2017. Examining factors associated with nonadherence and identifying providers caring for nonadherent subgroups. Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research, 8(4), pp.247-253.
Taira, D.A., Shen, C., King, M., Landsittel, D., Mays, M.H., Sentell, T. and Southerland, J., 2017. Access to medications for medicare enrollees related to race/ethnicity: results from the 2013 Medicare current beneficiary survey. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 13(6), pp.1208-1213.
Taira, D.A., Stafford, M., Davis, J.W., Albright, C.L., Kataoka‐Yahiro, M. and Sumida, W.K., 2020. Level of self‐reported pain’s interference with work, and association with number of prescriptions and healthcare expenditures. Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research, 11(3), pp.287-293.
Vamos, S., Okan, O., Sentell, T. and Rootman, I., 2020. Making a case for “Education for health literacy”: An international perspective. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(4), p.1436.
Vawer, M., Rutiz, R., Tukuafu, V., Whatley, K., Hanchett, K., Kahaleuahi, L., Park, L., Minn, M., Blackburn, B., Young, M. and Muneno, A., 2019. Insights in Public Health: Hana Pu No Ke Ola O Hana (“Working Together for the Health of Hana”): Our 14-year CBPR Journey. Hawai'i Journal of Medicine & Public Health, 78(3), p.111.
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Ylli, A., Wu, Y.Y., Burazeri, G., Pirkle, C.M. and Sentell, T., 2020. The lower COVID-19 related mortality and incidence rates in Eastern European countries are associated with delayed start of community circulation. medRxiv.
Yin, C., Harvey, S., Elia, J., Kaneshiro, B., Hayes, D. and Soon, R., 2020. Highly-Effective Contraception Use More Likely Among Native Hawaiian Women than Non-Native Hawaiian Women at Title X Clinics in Hawai ‘i. Hawai'i Journal of Health & Social Welfare, 79(1), p.16.
Young, N., Nakagawa, K., Tokumaru, S. and Taira, D., 2020. Abstract TP187: Disparities in Secondary Stroke Prevention Among Filipinos in Hawaii. Stroke, 51(Suppl_1), pp.ATP187-ATP187.
The ENACT Network has successfully motivated a number of related efforts, which has also led to other extramural funding consistent with the mission of ENACT.
The Hispanic, Black and Pacific Islander perspectives on COVID-19 Outreach Strategies and Patient Centered Outcomes (Hear US) Study, seeks to understand perspectives, preferences, and unmet needs of diverse communities who are often unheard and hard to reach.
The Online Self-Guided Course, which is titled “Writing a Successful Concept Proposal in Patient-Centered Outcomes Research”, was created to guide trainees through the key aspects of PCOR methodology. As part of this publicly-available course, trainees complete a workbook to write their own project proposal.