Christopher Stavisky


Christopher Stavisky.

Christopher Stavisky


Christopher Stavisky


Clinical Assistant Professor
Director, Rehabilitation Science MS Program

Research Topics

Cognitive rehabilitation; Human motivation in rehabilitation and education contexts; Acquired brain injury; Adaptive sports and recreation.

Teaching Scholarship Service


  • Stavisky, C. J., Miecznikowski, J. C., Haider, M. N., Chizuk, H. M., Nazir, M. S. Z., Grady, M. F., McPherson, J. I., Nowak, A. S., Willer, B. S., Master, C. L., & Leddy, J. J. (2024). Association of cognitive symptoms and abnormal oculomotor signs with recovery in adolescents after sport-related concussion. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 10.1097/JSM.0000000000001322. Advance online publication.
  • Stavisky, C., Pacos Martinez, A., & Tozser, T. (2024). How cognitive support tools can help: A guide for individuals with cognitive impairment. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 105, 1613-1616.
  • Martinez, A., Stavisky, C., Tozser, T. (2023). Assistive technology outcomes in cognitive rehab. In S.A. Zapf (Ed.), Evidence-Based Assessment Framework for Assistive Technology: The MPT and MATCH-ACES Assessments. CRC Press.  
  • Dukelow NJ, Campeau JR, Nichols Maier SA, Pacos Martinez A, Tozser T, & Stavisky C. (2022). Treatment of cognitive impairments following breast cancer through the use of an integrative cognitive rehabilitation program. The periFACTS OB/GYN Academy. 
  • Nowak, A., Chizuk, H., Nazir, M., Bisson, A., Stavisky, C., Leddy, J., Miecznikowski, J., Haider, M., & Willer, B. (2022). The effect of aerobic exercise on recovery in adolescents who report emotional and cognitive symptoms after sport-related concussion. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 103(12), e80.
  • Martinez, A. P., Tozser, T., Stavisky, C., Dukelow, N., Walther, L., Maier, S., & Campeau, J. (2021). Assistive technology for people with cognitive disabilities: A 5 year follow-up on an interdisciplinary cognitive rehabilitation clinic focusing on its development, evolution, and expansion. Assistive Technology33 (3), 148. 
  • Stavisky, C., Rosa Campeau, J., Carson, S., Dukelow, N., Maier, S., Pacos Martinez, A., & Kysor, S. (2017). Assessment of assistive technology for individuals with cognitive impairments.  In S. Federici & M.J. Scherer (Eds.), Assistive technology assessment handbook (2nd ed.). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. 
  • Fleeman, J. Stavisky, C., Carson, S., Coles, H., Wager, J. Dukelow, N. Maier, S, Rice, J., Essaff, D. & Scherer, M.  (2015). Integrating cognitive rehabilitation: A preliminary program description and theoretical review of an interdisciplinary cognitive rehabilitation program. NeuroRehabilitation, 37, 471-486. 
  • Coles, H. E., Carson, S., Dukelow, N., Fleeman, J. A., Maier, S., & Stavisky, C. (2014). Integrative cognitive rehabilitation program: An innovative, multidisciplinary approach. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation95(10), e60.

Clinical Experience

  • Cognitive rehabilitation, Acquired Brain Injury, Spinal Cord Injury, Upper Extremity Prosthetics

Grants and Sponsored Research

  • January 2024 - December 2024, Feasibility of Aerobic Exercise for Recovery from Work-Related Concussion, Clinical Translational Science Institute at the University at Buffalo, Role: Co-Principal Investigator
  • January 2023–December 2026, Exercise Reset for Concussion - Modifying the Buffalo Concussion Protocol for Application in a Military Environment, Department of Defense (CDMRP), Role: Co-Investigator