Jill E. Mayer


Jill Mayer.

Jill E. Mayer


Jill E. Mayer


Clinical Assistant Professor
Associate Director of DPT Clinical Education

Research Topics

Oncology rehabilitation; neurologic rehabilitation

Overview Publications

Selected Publications

  • Mayer JE. Valdez Taves J., Fishel SC., Rogalski Y., Elich Monroe J., Gras L. Interprofessional Education through a Monthly Stroke Support Group. Journal of Allied Health. Accepted August 2022. To be published in print March 2023.
  • Mayer JE. Plumeau K. Weekly telephone call impacts outcomes of an individualized home exercise program in people recovering from cancer. Rehabilitation Oncology. April 2022 doi: 10.1097/01.REO.0000000000000301 https://journals.lww.com/rehabonc/Abstract/9900/Weekly_Telephone_Call_Impacts_Outcomes_of_an.1.aspx
  • Mayer JE, McNamara C, Mayer J, et al. Miller Fisher Syndrome and Guillain Barre Syndrome: Rehabilitation of a Complex Patient Case. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. 2022; 38(1): 245-254. EPub February 2020. 10.1080/09593985.2020.1736221 https://doi.org/10.1080/09593985.2020.1736221
  • Denney L, Eliaszie M, Mayer JE, Gras L, Pohl P. Walking Speed Questionnaire Used to Estimate Gait Speed in Older Adults: Comparisons with Testing Protocols and Diagnostic Accuracy. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. Accepted 9.28.2022
  • Pohl P, Gras L, Bosch P, Ganley K, Mayer J. Dual task Timed Up-and-Go in older adults with and without balance deficits. J of Phys & Occup Ther in Geri. 2019;37(4):247-259. doi: 10.1080/02703181.2019.1642975
  • Gras LZ, Ganley KJ, Bosch PR, Mayer JE, Pohl PS. Convergent Validity of the Sharpened Romberg. J of Phys Occup Ther in Geri. 2017; 35 (2): 99-108. DOI: 10.1080/02703181.2017.1307897