STI(科學﹑技術和創新)政策分析 - 我們探究科學發現﹑工程技術和市場創新在政策和實踐中的聯繫,以其提高公共資源投資的社會經濟效益。
Lane, J (2015). Bridging the persistent gap between R&D and application: A historical review of government efforts in the field of Assistive Technology. Download pdf Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits, 9, 1, pp. 1 – 19.
B. Godin and J. Lane (2014), Making and Remaking the Measurement of Science and Technology: the International Dimension, In Maximilien Mayer, Mariana Carpes and Ruth Knoblich (eds.), The Global Politics of Science and Technology (II): Perspectives, Cases and Methods, 163-177. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Godin, B, Lane, JP. Pushes and Pulls: Hi(S)tory of the Demand Pull Model of Innovation, Science, Technology, & Human Values, August 5, 2013 (print publication date). http://sth.sagepub.lcom/content/38/5/621.
Lane, JP, Godin, B. Methodology Trumps Mythology, Bridges, The Translatlantic STI Policy Quarterly from the Office of Science & Technology, Embassy of Austria, Washington, DC, 36, December 2012/OpEds & Commentaries.
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