Denise Lillvis


Denise Lillvis.

Denise Lillvis


Denise Lillvis


Research Topics

Child health services research; children and youth with special health care needs; pediatric trauma; implementation science; health politics; public health governance

Selected Publications

  1. Lillvis DF, Sheehan KM, Yu J, Noyes K, Bass KD, Kuo DZ. Characterizing physical trauma in children and youth with special health care needs. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 2022 Sep 1;93(3):299-306. doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000003608
  2. Lillvis DF, Miller CR, Kuo DZ. Pediatric primary care immunization policies in New York State. Vaccine. 2022 Mar 1;40(10):1458-63. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2022.01.04
  3. 5Vest BM, Quigley BM, Lillvis DF, Horrigan-Maurer C, Firth RS, Curtis A, Lackner JM. Comparing Patient and Provider Experiences with Atrial Fibrillation to Highlight Gaps and Opportunities for Improving Care. Accepted to JGIM
  4. Tian M, Yu J, Lillvis DF, Vexler A. Influence function methods to assess the effectiveness of influenza vaccine with survey data. Accepted to Health Services Research. 
  5. Lillvis DF, White J, Cooper M, DiCecca J, Bass K. An analysis of American physician professional statements about gun violence against children. Accepted to the Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 
  6. Dal Cin S, Low LK, Lillvis D, Masten M, De Vries R. What Do Women Want? Consent for the Use of Electronic Fetal Monitoring. International Journal of Childbirth. 2021 Sep 7;11(3):145-53. doi: 10.1891/IJCBIRTH-D-20-00044 
  7. Willison CE, Lillvis D, Mauri A, Singer PM. Technically Accessible, Practically Ineligible: The Effects of Medicaid Expansion Implementation on Chronic Homelessness. J Health Polit Policy Law. 2021 May 21:9349142. doi: 10.1215/03616878-9349142. 
  8. Crabtree-Ide C, Lillvis DF, Nie J, Fagnano M, Tajon RS, Tremblay P, Halterman JS, Noyes K. Evaluating the Financial Sustainability of the School-Based Telemedicine Asthma Management Program. Popul Health Manag. 2021 May 14. doi: 10.1089/pop.2020.0361. 
  9. Lillvis DF, Willison C, Noyes K. Normalizing inconvenience to promote childhood vaccination: a qualitative implementation evaluation of a novel Michigan program. BMC Health Serv Res. 2020 Jul 23;20(1):683. doi: 10.1186/s12913-020-05550-6.
  10. Lillvis JH, Lillvis DF, Towle-Miller LM, Wilding GE, Kuo DZ. Association of state vision screening requirements with parent-reported vision testing in young children. J AAPOS. 2020 Oct;24(5):291.e1-291.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.jaapos.2020.04.015. 
  11. Lillvis DF. Managing dissonance and dissent: bureaucratic professionalism and political risk in policy implementation. Law & Policy. 2019 Jul;41(3):310-35. doi: 10.1111/lapo.12131 
  12. Lillvis DF, McGrath RJ. Directing discipline: state medical board responsiveness to state legislatures. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. 2017 Feb 1;42(1):123-65. doi: 10.1215/03616878-3702794
  13. Lillvis DF, Greer SL. Strategies for policy success: achieving good governance. Strengthening Health System Governance. 2016:57. 
  14. Lillvis DF, Kirkland A, Frick A. Power and persuasion in the vaccine debates: an analysis of political efforts and outcomes in the United States, 1998‐2012. The Milbank Quarterly. 2014 Sep;92(3):475-508. doi: 10.1111/1468-0009.12075
  15. Greer SL, Lillvis DF. Beyond leadership: political strategies for coordination in health policies. Health Policy. 2014 May 1;116(1):12-7. doi: 10.1016/j.healthpol.2014.01.019