Kelly Baker


Kelly Baker headshot.

Kelly Baker


Kelly Baker


Associate Professor
Director, Center for Climate Change and Health Equity
Overview Publications

Selected Publications

  • Briknarová K, Takayama S, Homma S, Baker K, Cabezas E, Hoyt DW, Li Z, Satterthwait AC, Ely KR (2002). BAG4/SODD protein contains a short BAG domain. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 277(34):311725-8.
  • Sun Y, Yuan J, Liu H, Shi Z, Baker K, Vuori K, Wu J, Feng GS (2004). Role of Gab1 in UV-induced c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase activation and cell apoptosis. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 24(4):1531-9.
  • Baker KK*, Morison J, Phillips A, Levine MM, Barry EM (2009). CfaE tip mutations in ETEC CFA/I fimbriae define critical human intestinal binding sites. Cellular Microbiology, 11(5):742-754.
  • Vidal RM, Valenzuela P, Baker K, Lagos R, Esparza M, Livio S, Livio S, Farfán M, Nataro JP, Levine MM, Prado V (2009). Characterization of the most prevalent colonization factor antigens present in Chilean clinical enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains using a new multiplex polymerase chain reaction. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease, 65(3):217-23.
  • Heijnen M, Cumming O, Peletz R, Chan GK, Brown J, Baker KK, Clasen T (2014). Shared sanitation versus individual household latrines: a systematic review of health outcomes. PLoS One, 9(4):93300.
  • Baker KK*, Sow SO, Kotloff KL, Nataro JP, Farag T, Tamboura B, Doumbia M, Sanogo D, Diarra D, O'Reilly CE, Mintz E, Panchalingam S, Wu Y, Blackwelder WC, Levine MM (2013). Quality of piped and stored water in households with children under five years of age enrolled in the Mali site of the Global Enteric Multi-Center Study (GEMS). American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 89(2):214-22.
  • Baker KK*, Farzana F, Ferdous F, Ahmed S, Das SM, Faruque AS, Nasrin D, Kotloff KL, Nataro JP, Kolappaswamy K, Levine MM (2014). Association between moderate-to-severe diarrhea in young children in the Global Enteric Multicenter Study (GEMS) and types of handwashing materials used by caretakers in Mirzapur, Bangladesh. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 91(1):181-9; July 2014.
  • Das P, Baker KK, Dutta A, Swain T, Sahoo S, Das BS, Panda B, Nayak A, Bara M, Bilung B, Mishra PR, Panigrahi P, Cairncross S, Torondel B (2015). Menstrual hygiene practices, WASH access and the risk of urogenital infection in women from Odisha, India. PloS One, 10(6):e0130777.
  • Padhi BK, Baker KK, Dutta A, Cumming O, Freeman MC, Satpathy RN, Das BS, Panigrahi P (2015). Risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes among women practicing poor sanitation in Rural India: a population-based prospective cohort study. PLoS Medicine, 12(7):e1001851.
  • Caruso BA, Sevilimedu V, Fung IC, Patkar A, Baker KK* (2015). Gender disparities in water, sanitation, and global health. Lancet, 386(9994):650-1.