Renee Cadzow


Dr. Renee Cadzow, PhD.

Renee Cadzow


Renee Cadzow


Research Topics

Community Health Workers; maternal and child health; stress; patient-centered, culturally responsive care; community engagement; health disparities

Overview Awards Publications

Selected Publications

E-EdD student; P-PhD student; R-Resident; M- Medical student; MS-Master’s student U-Undergraduate student; C-Community partner

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Solbu A, Cadzow R. Pullano, TMS, Brinser-Day, S C, Tumiel-Berhalter, L, Kayler, L. (2024) Interviews with Lay Caregivers About Their Experiences Supporting Patients Throughout Kidney Transplantation. Progress in Transplantation. Jun 34(1-2):21-31. doi: 10.1177/15269248241237820. Epub 2024 Mar 6. Contribution: Analysis, manuscript preparation and editing.

Johnson SM, Solbu A, Cadzow R, Feeley T, Keller M, Kayler L. (2024) Preliminary evaluation of two patient-centered educational animations about kidney transplant complications. Ann Transplant. Jan 23;29:e942611. doi: 10.12659/AOT.942611. Contribution: Analysis, manuscript preparation and editing.

Kayler L, Breckenridge B C, Thomas C C, Brinser-Day S C, Sierra, E C, Cadzow R, Feeley T, Tumiel-Berhalter L. (2023) Using Community-Based Participatory Research to Create Animated Videos to Attenuate Disparities in Access to Kidney Transplant Information. Prog Transplant Mar:33(1)5-14 doi: 10.1177/15269248221145031 Contribution: Analysis consultation, manuscript editing.

Keller MM, Lucas T, Cadzow R, Feeley T, Tumiel Berhalter L, Kayler L (2022) Patient perceptions by race of educational animations about living kidney donation made for a diverse population. PLoS ONE 17(9): e0266867. https:// Contribution: Analysis consultation, manuscript editing.

AL-Rajie RMS, Whelan M, Ali-Sayeed N, Cadzow R, Leung JMS. (2023) Government-Assisted Syrian Refugee Perceptions of Dietary Acculturation in Canada: A Qualitative Study. Critical Dietetics. Mar 6(3): 30-51. Contribution: Analysis consultation, manuscript editing.

Ranahan M, Dolph B, VonVisger J, Cadzow R. Feeley T, Kayler LK. (2021) A narrative review of qualitative studies describing access to kidney transplantation. Prog Transplant 31(2): 174-183, doi: 10.1177/15269248211002804. Contribution: Analysis consultation, manuscript editing.

Smith S, Haseley N, Keller MP, Cadzow R, Feeley T, Kayler L. (2021) Development and preliminary evaluation of a patient-facing educational video about live kidney donor surgical complications. Transplantation Direct. Aug 6;7(9):e744 doi: 10.1097/TXD.0000000000001194. Contribution: Study design, manuscript editing.

Kayler LK, Seibert RE, Dolph B, Keller MMP, Cadzow RB, Nie J, Noyes K, Feeley TH. (2021) Video education to facilitate patient outreach about living kidney donation: a proof of concept. Clin Transplant 35(12)e14477. doi: 10.1111/ctr.14477.

Kayler LK, Dolph B, Ranahan M, Keller MP, Cadzow R, Feeley TH. (2021) Kidney transplant evaluation and listing: development and preliminary evaluation of multimedia education for patients. Ann Transplant. Mar 2;26:e929839. doi: 10.12659/AOT.929839.

Dauphin C, Clark N, Cadzow R, Saad-Harfouche F, Rodriguez E, Glaser K, Kiviniemi M, Keller MP, Erwin D. (2020) #BlackBreastsMatter: Process Evaluation of Recruitment and Engagement of Pregnant African American Women for a Social Media Intervention Study to Increase Breastfeeding. Journal of Medical Internet Research,10(22): e16239. doi: 10.2196/16239. Contribution: Data analysis, manuscript preparation, manuscript editing.

Kayler LK, Dolph B, Seibert R, Keller MP, Cadzow R, Feeley TH. (2020) Development of the living donation and kidney transplantation information made easy (KidneyTIME) educational animations. Clinical Transplantation.34(4):e13830. doi:10.1111/ctr.13830. Contribution: Qualitative data analysis, manuscript editing.

Kayler LK, Majumder M, Bonner K, Ranahan M, Dolph B, Cadzow R, Feeley TH. (2020) Development and preliminary evaluation of an animated video (SIMPLIFYKDPI) to improve kidney transplant candidate understanding of the kidney donor profile index. Clinical Transplantation, 104(2): 326-334. Contribution: Qualitative data analysis, manuscript editing.