Shelby Yamamoto

Dr Sci Hum

Shelby Yamamoto.

Shelby Yamamoto

Dr Sci Hum

Shelby Yamamoto

Dr Sci Hum

Research topics

Environmental epidemiology; health impacts of climate change; air pollution health effects; mitigation and adaptation to climate change; risk and resilience

Overview Publications

Selected Publications

Published and accepted

  • Dabravolskaj, J., Veugelers, P.J., Yamamoto, S.S., Patte K.A., Leatherdale S.T., Maximova, K., (2024), Establishing the association between diet and mental health outcomes in a sample of 13,887 adolescents in Canada, Preventing Chronic Disease, accepted.
  • Zhao, T., Jhangri, G.S., Dobson, K.S., Li, J.Y., Premji, S.S., Tao, F., Zhu, B., Yamamoto, S.S., (2024), The impact of prenatal mental health on birth outcomes before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Anhui, China, PLOS ONE, accepted.
  • Lima, C.A., Alsunaidi, S., Lowe, S., Hogan, D., Dennett, L., Jones, C.A., Yamamoto. S.S., (2024), Protocol for a scoping review of climate change and the impact on health of people living with dementia, PLOS ONE, 19(6): e0304181.
  • Xiao, A., Turk, T., Deol, K., Zhang, S., Aref, H.A.T., Campbell, A., Jones, A., Yamamoto, S.S., Dennett, L., Kolewaski, L., Sadowski, C.A., Yacyshyn, E., (2024), Evidence for the use of cannabis-based medicines in osteoarthritis: a scoping review, Clinical Rheumatology. Vol. 43: 2375–2390.
  • Krebs, B.K., Rachor, G.S., Yamamoto, S.S., Dick, B.D., Brown, C.A., Asmundson, G.J.G., Straube, S. Els, C., Jackson, T.D., Brémault-Phillips, S., Voaklander, D., Stastny, J., Berry, T., Gross, D.P., (2024), Multiple psychiatric diagnoses and return-to-work following posttraumatic stress injury rehabilitation, Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, Vol. 60(3): 768-784.
  • Yamamoto, S.S., Premji, S.S., Saini, V., McDonald, S.W., Jhangri, G.S., (2024), Investigating associations between maternal stress, smoking and adverse birth outcomes: evidence from the All Our Families cohort, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 23:710.
  • Sidney, B.T., Chandras, S., Campbell, S.M., Salma, J., Yamamoto, S.S., (2023), Health-Related Impacts of Climate Change and Air Pollution on Elderly, Child and Adolescent
  • Zuo, H., Yu, L., Campbell, S.M., Yamamoto, S.S., Yuan, Y., (2023), The implementation of target trial emulation for causal inference: a scoping review, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 162:29-37. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2023.08.003.
  • Jones, C.A., Jhangri, G.S., Yamamoto, S.S., Hogan, D.B., Hanson, H., Levasseur, M., Morales, E., Légaré,. R., (2023), Social participation of older people in urban and rural areas: Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging, BMC Geriatrics, 23 (439).
  • Kidd, SA., Bezgrebelna, M., Hajat, S., Keevers, L., Ravinran, A., Stergiopoulos, V., Wells, S., Yamamoto, S.S., Galvao, L.A., Hale, M., Njengah, S., Settembrino, M., Vickery, J., McKenzie, K., (2023), A response framework for addressing the risks of climate change for homeless populations, Climate Policy, Vol. 23(5): 623-636.
  • Olson, J., Brophy, H., Turk, T., Jones, A., Yamamoto, S.S., Yacyshyn, E., Sadowski, C.A., Paul, P., (2023), Perceptions of Cannabis Use: A Qualitative Descriptive Study of Rheumatology Patients, Journal of Primary Care & Community Health,
  • Goez, H., Nielsen, C.C., Bryan, S., Clark, B., Zwaigenbaum, L., Yamamoto, S.S., Osornio-Vargas, A.R., (2023), Autistic Regression and Exposure to Industrial Chemicals: Preliminary Observations, Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences, 51(2):289-292. doi:10.1017/cjn.2023.265.