Check with your department for details regarding these university-wide awards and fellowships.
This award recognizes the PhD student with the highest GPA. Nomination is completed through a verbal recommendation to the Assistant to the Dean.
The Robert G. Porter Scholars Program is funded through The American Federation of Teachers (AFT). Programs are available for both UUP bargaining unit members and their dependents.
Sponsored by New York State, this fellowship offers support for historically underrepresented students in PhD programs across the university. Schomburg Fellows participate in conferences and seminars and present papers in their respective disciplines. Learn more about the Schomburg Fellowship eligibility and nomination requirements.
This award supports students from all decanal units and departments at UB by organizing and supporting international fieldwork opportunities in collaboration with partner organizations around the world.
This award recognizes a full-time graduate student involved in teaching who demonstrates superb and creative performance in the classroom, evidence of mentorship and sets high academic standards.
The Graduate Opportunity Program (GOP; formerly GEOP) provides tuition scholarships to graduates of certified Educational Opportunity Program (EOP); Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP); and CUNY Search for Education, Elevation, and Knowledge (SEEK) programs within New York State who wish to pursue further education at the graduate level on a full-time basis (12 credits each semester). All disciplines are eligible. The GEOP receives a limited amount of funding each year. Therefore, tuition scholarships are not guaranteed to all students who apply.
Visit the UB Graduate School for more information.
This award supports undergraduate students enrolled in a health related major who have been accepted into a study abroad program related to Global Health. Preference is given to students participating in course PUB 211LD Behavior Driven Disease: A Global Epidemic in Jamaica.
Twenty new PhD students a year will be awarded an additional $10,000 for five years under a new fellowship program created to recruit top PhD students to UB.
The Graduate School Fellowship will begin in fall 2023.
UB’s Graduate Student Association (GSA) provides grants to graduate students for research expenses related to their thesis or dissertation. PhD students may apply for up to $2,500, and master's students for up to $1,500. Applicants should be in the latter stages of research. Learn more and apply for the Mark Diamond Research Fund Grant. UB’s GSA also provides funding to assist graduate students in presenting and attending conferences.
High-achieving freshmen are considered for Provost Scholarships. Award amounts are based on academic merit and cost of attendance. No additional application is needed. These scholarships are renewable for either two or four years for students who maintain continuing eligibility requirements.
This fellowship is aimed at recruiting outstanding graduate students. Students are considered for this award at the time of admission; there is no additional application required. To be eligible, a nominee must be a new applicant to a PhD program with at least one of the following:
Consistent with ETS/GRE policies on score reporting, GRE scores used to satisfy eligibility criterions above must have been obtained within the most recent 5 year period.
The UUP Steve Street Award is given to an undergraduate student or group of undergraduate students currently enrolled at a SUNY campus who have created any paper or documented any project related to social justice issues or topics.