Annual Events and Lectures

  • White Coat Ceremony
    For physical therapists, the white coat ceremony is a tradition that dates back more than 40 years. It signifies the transition from the classroom and didactic learning to the clinic and experiential learning for students in health care professions.
  • Glen E. Gresham
    The Glen E. Gresham Visiting Professorship in Rehabilitation Science features a nationally recognized authority in an area directly related to rehabilitation science. Dr. Al Rekate and Mrs. Linda Holt Rekate endowed this position in honor of their friend and colleague Dr. Glen Gresham in 1990.
  • Hooding Ceremony
    The annual Department of Rehabilitation Science Hooding Ceremony is reserved for candidates who have attained academic degrees beyond a bachelor’s degree. Faculty members place the hood on the graduate, signifying success in completing the graduate program.
  • Pi Theta Epsilon Honor Society Induction Ceremony
    Pi Theta Epsilon is the national honor society for occupational therapy students.
  • Pin Ceremony
    The annual Occupational Therapy Pin Ceremony signifies the transition from classroom-based didactic learning to clinically-based apprenticeship learning just before students embark on their first level II fieldwork placement in the spring of their fourth year.
  • Occupational Therapy Month
    During the month of April, the American Occupational Therapy Association celebrates OT Month and the more than 213,000 occupational therapists, occupational therapy assistants, and students who work nationwide to create fuller lives for clients and their families.