Pi Theta Epsilon Honor Society

Induction Ceremony

Pi Theta ceremony.

Pi Theta Epsilon is the national honor society for occupational therapy students.

The purposes of the honor society are to recognize and encourage scholastic excellence in occupational therapy students; to contribute to the advancement of the field of occupational therapy through scholarly activities; to provide a vehicle for professional, entry-level students enrolled in accredited programs in occupational therapy; and to exchange information and to collaborate regarding scholarly activities.

The University at Buffalo occupational therapy department established the Tau Chapter in 1988. In 1992, the Representative Assembly of the American Occupational Therapy recognized Pi Theta Epsilon as the official occupational therapy honor society. Pi Theta Epsilon became a member of the Association of College Honor Societies (ACHS) in 1995.

Pi Theta Epsilon strives to instill in its members the ideal of respect for learning, and commitment to scholarship throughout one’s professional life.

Pi Theta Epsilon Pledge

Aware of the high calling of the scholar and the great opportunity of service through Occupational Therapy, I hereby pledge my efforts to further its purposes, to uphold the ideal of Pi Theta Epsilon, and to prove myself a worthy member of this honor society.


Pi Theta Epsilon members are grateful for any amount of monetary donations. Donations are used to fund two annual events, the induction ceremony and the annual Pi Theta Epsilon invited seminar speaker, a seminar event open to the public and providing continuing professional education credit to licensed participants. 

2024 Ceremony Photos