Program Timeline

First Year

Tentative Deadlines Task Submit To Category
October-November Meet with advisor to discuss progress and second semester schedule   Advisement
March Submit Culminating Project / Field Training / Advising Statement Online Advisement
May-August Meet with advisor to discuss progress and second year schedule   Advisement

Second Year, Fall Semester

Tentative Deadlines Task Submit To Category
Before classes start
Meet with advisor to discuss timing of field training experience and register for CHB 544 if advisor approves
If approved for field training, register for CHB 544 and follow guidelines and form links in CHB 544 UB Learns course
Field Training
Fall semester Complete your culminating project requirements in accordance with course semester and specified deadlines
  Culminating Project
October Meet with advisor to discuss progress and second semester schedule   Advisement
October 15 Last day to apply to graduate in HUB for February 1 degree conferral Online Commencement
Last day of class Submit waiver of field training request based on past public health experience if approved by advisor UB Learns MPH Portal Field Training Waiver Form
Field Training

Second Year, Spring Semester

Tentative Deadlines Task Submit To Category
Before classes start
Meet with advisor to discuss timing of field training experience and register for CHB 544 if advisor approves
If approved for field training, register for CHB 544 and follow guidelines and form links in CHB 544 UB Learns
Field Training
Spring semester Complete your culminating project requirements in accordance with course semester and specified deadlines
  Culminating Project
February 22 Last day to apply to graduate in HUB for June 1 degree conferral Online Commencement
Refer to the commencement link (right) for deadlines First day to register for commencement online   Commencement
Refer to the commencement link (right) for deadlines Order regalia for commencement
Last Friday of classes Submit waiver of field training request based on past public health experience if approved by advisor
UB Learns MPH Portal MPH Field Training Waiver Form
Field Training
July 15 Last day to apply to graduate in HUB for September 1 degree conferral Online Commencement
Most students will complete their culminating project during the spring semester.

Only three credits of field training are required and can be completed in either the fall or spring semester. Consult your advisor.