The individualized MPH program allows you to pursue a course of study unique to your educational needs and personal career objectives. We offer a truly individualized curriculum, as well as three focus areas.
When enrolled as an individualized MPH or online individualized MPH student, you are given the opportunity to pursue a curriculum of choice to tailor your educational journey to your interests and career objectives. In addition to our fully individualized option we have traditionally offered, we also offer focus areas. Taking courses specific to a desired focus area offers you a more in-depth understanding of concepts and practical skills related to your field of study. Current focus area offerings include 1. Health Equity and 2. Addictions. Once you select a focus area, you will take a minimum of three courses from a listing of focus-area specific classes.
If you wish to pursue a truly individualized course of study, you will receive the same foundational public health education as other MPH concentrations, while also tailoring the program to meet your unique, personal interests through coursework electives and hands-on practical activities.
As a practitioner with training in core public health principles, you will be involved with advocacy, planning, programming, implementation or evaluation for disease prevention and health promotion of populations.
You will be prepared to work in a wide range of settings, including