Sarah Cercone Heavey


Sarah Cercone Heavey.

Sarah Cercone Heavey


Sarah Cercone Heavey


Director of Graduate Studies, MPH Program
Clinical Assistant Professor

Research Topics

Substance use and misuse; opioid overdose, suicide, mental health; harm reduction; social network influences.

Selected Publications

  • Fillo, J, Heavey, S. Cercone, Homish, DL, Homish, GG. (In Press). Deployment-Related Military Sexual Trauma Predicts Alcohol Problems among Male Reserve and National Guard Soldiers. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research.
  • Heavey, S Cercone, Chang, Y, Vest, BM, Collins, RL, Wieczorek, WF, & Homish, GG. (2018). ‘I have it just in case’ — Naloxone Access and Changes in Opioid Use Behaviours. International Journal of Drug Policy 51: 27-35.
  • Vest BM, Heavey S Cercone, Homish, DL, & Homish, GG. (In Press). Alcohol Misuse in Reserve Soldiers and their Partners: Cross-Spouse Effects of Deployment and Combat Exposure. Substance Use and Misuse.
  • Heavey S Cercone, Delmerico AM, Burstein G, Moore C, Wieczorek WF, Collins RL, Chang YP, Homish GG. (2018). Descriptive Epidemiology for Community-wide Naloxone Administration by Police Officers and Firefighters Responding to Opioid Overdose. J Community Health 43(2): 304-311.
  • Vest BM, Heavey S Cercone, Homish DL, Homish GG. (In Press) Marital Satisfaction, Family Support, and Pre-Deployment Resiliency Factors Related to Mental Health Outcomes for Reserve and National Guard Soldiers. Military Behavioral Health.
  • Heavey, S Cercone, Homish, DL., Anderson Goodell, E, & Homish, GG. (In Press). US Reserve Soldiers’ Combat Exposure and Intimate Partner Violence: Not More Common, but it is More Violent. Stress and Health.
  • Heavey, S Cercone, Burstein, G, Moore, C, & Homish, GG. (In Press). Overdose Education and Naloxone Distribution Program Attendees: who attends, what do they know, and how do they feel? Journal of Public Health Management & Practice.
  • Smith, KZ, Smith, PH, Cercone, SA, McKee, SA, & Homish, GG. (2016). Past year nonmedical opioid use and abuse and PTSD diagnosis: Interactions with sex and associations with symptom clusters. Addictive Behaviors 58: 167-174.
  • Heavey, S Cercone, Homish, GG, Violanti, J, Andrew, ME, Burchfield, C, & McCanlies, E. (2015). Law enforcement officers’ involvement level in Hurricane Katrina and alcohol use. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health and Human Resilience 17(1): 267-273.