Title: Travel Funds - NCIIA Conference for Xcelerator Program
Principal Investigator: Pavani Kalluri Ram, MD
Funding Agency: National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance (NCIIA)
Period: 07/01/13 - 07/31/13
Abstract: This funds travel for two researchers to a conference for Xcelerator training among U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) grantees.
The customized training program, called Xcelerator, will leverage NCIIA’s experience in ensuring well-designed pathways to scale for socially-minded products and services. A pilot will initially be offered to grantees of USAID’s Saving Lives at Birth program, which funds the brightest minds across the globe to identify and scale-up transformative prevention and treatment approaches for pregnant women and newborns around the time of birth.