Jennifer L. Temple


Jennifer L. Temple.

Jennifer L. Temple


Jennifer L. Temple


Research Topics

Caffeine use among adolescents; exercise and nutrition interactions; factors that influence ingestive behavior and the development of obesity in humans.

Selected Publications

  • Epstein LH, Carr KA, Scheid JL, Gebre E, O'Brien A, Paluch RA, Temple JL (2015) Taste and food reinforcement in non-overweight youth. Appetite (e-published ahead of print).
  • Panek LM, Jones KR, Temple JL (2014) Short term aerobic exercise alters the reinforcing value of food in inactive adults. Appetite 81: 320-329.
  • Temple JL, Ziegler AM, Graczyk AM, Bendlin A, Sion T, Vattana K (2014) Cardiovascular responses to caffeine by sex and pubertal stage. Pediatrics 134: 112-119.
  • Temple JL (2014) Factors that influence the reinforcing value of food and beverages. Physiology and Behavior 136C: 97-103
  • Schrader P, Panek LM, Temple JL (2013) Acute and chronic caffeine administration increases physical activity in sedentary adults. Nutrition Research 33: 457-63.
  • Swoboda C, Temple JL (2013) Acute and chronic effects of gum chewing on food reinforcement and energy intake. Eat Behav. 14: 149-56.
  • Panek LM, Swoboda C, Bendlin A, Temple JL (2013) Caffeine increases liking and consumption of novel-flavored yogurt. Psychopharmacology 227: 425-36.
  • Temple JL, Ziegler AM, Graczyk A, Bendlin A, O'Leary S, Schnittker Y (2012) Influence of caffeine on liking of novel-flavored soda in adolescents. Psychopharmacology 223: 37-45.
  • Panek-Scarborough LM, Dewey AM, Temple JL (2012) Sensation and perception of sucrose and fat stimuli predict the reinforcing value of food. Physiol Behav 105: 1242-1249.
  • Temple JL and Epstein LH (2011) Sensitization of food reinforcement is related to weight status and baseline responding. International Journal of Obesity 36: 1102-1107.
  • Temple JL, Johnson KM, Archer K, LaCarte A, Yi C, Epstein LH. (2011) Influence of simplified nutrition information and taxation on laboratory energy intake in adults. Appetite 57: 184-192.
  • Temple JL and Ziegler AM (2011) Gender differences in subjective and physiological responses to caffeine and the role of steroid hormones. Journal of Caffeine Research 1: 41 - 48.
  • Temple JL, Briatico LN, Dewey AM (2010) Effects of acute caffeine administration on adolescents. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology 18: 510-520.
  • Temple JL, Johnson K, Recupero K, Suders H (2010) Nutrition labels decrease energy intake in adults consuming lunch in the laboratory. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 110: 1094-1097.
  • Clark EN, Dewey AM, Temple JL (2010) Effects of daily snack food intake on food reinforcement depend on body mass index and energy density. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 91: 300 - 308.
  • Temple JL, Bulkley AM, Briatico L, Dewey AM (2009) Sex differences in reinforcing value of caffeinated beverages in adolescents. Behavioural Pharmacology 20: 731-741.
  • Temple JL, Bulkley AM, Badawy RL, Krause NA, McCann SK, Epstein LH (2009) Differential effects of daily snack food intake on food reinforcement in obese and non-obese women. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 90: 304-313.
  • Temple JL (2009) Caffeine use in children: What we know, what we have left to learn, and why we should worry. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 33: 793-806.
  • Epstein, LH, Temple, JL, Roemmich, JN, Bouton, ME (2009) Habituation as a determinant of human food intake. Psychology Reviews 116: 384-407.
  • Epstein LH, Robinson JL, Temple JL, Roemmich JN, Marusewski AL, Nadburzuch RL (2009) Variety influences habituation of motivated behavior for food and energy intake in children. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 89: 746-754.
  • Temple JL, Chappel AL, Shalik JL, Volcy SY, Epstein LH (2008) Daily consumption of individual snack foods decreases their reinforcing value. Eating Behaviors 9: 267 - 276.
  • Epstein LH, Dearing KK, Temple JL, Cavanaugh MD (2008) Food reinforcement and impulsivity in overweight children and their parents. Eating Behaviors 9: 319 - 327.
  • Temple JL, Legierski CL, Giacomelli AM, Salvy SJ, Epstein LH (2008) Overweight children find food more reinforcing that non-overweight children. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 87: 1121 - 1127.
  • Temple JL, Giacomelli AM, Roemmich JN, Epstein LH (2008) Habituation and within session changes in motivated responding for food in children. Appetite 50: 390 - 396.
  • Temple JL, Giacomelli AM, Roemmich JN, Epstein LH (2008) Dietary variety impairs habituation in children. Health Psychology  27: S10 - S19.
  • Epstein LH, Temple JL, Neaderhiser BJ, Salis R, Erbe RW, Leddy JJ (2007) Food reinforcement, the dopamine D2 receptor genotype, and energy intake in obese and non-obese humans. Behavioral Neuroscience 121: 877 - 886.
  • Epstein LH, Leddy JJ, Temple JL, Faith MS (2007) Food reinforcement and eating: a multilevel analysis. Psychological Bulletin 133: 884 - 906.
  • Temple JL, Giacomelli AM, Roemmich JN, Epstein LH (2007) Overweight children habituate slower than non-overweight children to food. Physiology and Behavior 91: 250 - 254.
  • Temple JL, Giacomelli AM, Kent KM, Roemmich JN, Epstein LH (2007) Television watching increases motivated responding for food and energy in children. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 85: 355-361.
  • Temple JL, Kent KM, Giacomelli AM, Paluch RA, Roemmich JN, Epstein LH (2006) Habituation and dishabituation of salivation and motivated responding for food in children. Appetite 46: 280-284.
  • Temple JL, Wrotniak BH, Paluch RA, Roemmich JN, Epstein LH (2006) Relationship between sex of parent and child on weight loss and maintenance in a family-based obesity treatment program. International Journal of Obesity 30: 1260-1264