Amy E. Millen


Amy E. Millen.

Amy E. Millen


Amy E. Millen


Research Interests

Nutritional epidemiology and age-related chronic disease; age-related eye disease; periodontal disease; vitamin D; diet patterns

Professional Summary

Amy Millen, PhD, joined the Department of Epidemiology and Environmental Health as research assistant professor in January 2005. She was appointed to assistant professor in March 2007 and promoted to associate professor (with tenure) in August 2013. She earned her BS in biology from Bucknell University, followed by her PhD in nutritional sciences, with an emphasis in population health, from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her primary training is in the field of nutritional epidemiology. After completing her PhD, Millen spent two and a half years at the National Cancer Institute as a Cancer Research Training Award (CRTA) fellow in the Risk Factors Monitoring and Methods Branch. She has worked on a number of diverse research projects that have focused on the role of nutrition in chronic diseases of aging. Many of her publications have focused on the role of nutrition in eye disease (e.g., diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration), periodontal disease and cancer. She has extensive experience with dietary assessment methods and analyzing diet and disease relationships in varied, large population datasets.


  • PhD, Nutritional Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2002
  • BS, Biology, magna cum laude, Bucknell University, 1996


  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Epidemiology and Environmental Health, University at Buffalo, 2005-2007
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Cancer Research Training Award, Risk Factors Monitoring and Methods Branch, National Cancer Institute, 2002-2004

Professional Affiliations

  • American Society for Nutritional Sciences
  • American Society for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
  • Society for Epidemiologic Research