Robert O'Shea Student Travel Award

Established in 2005 to honor Robert O’Shea, PhD, associate professor emeritus and first director of graduate studies in the Department of Epidemiology and Environmental Health from 1977 to 1997.

Student Travel Request Application Checklist

  • One request per student per academic year (July 1 – June 30). Maximum allowable per year: PhD - $800; MS and MPH - $400.
  • In order to receive a travel award, students must present either a poster or oral presentation at that meeting.
  • Presentations must be related to their research in the department or their research work in epidemiology, environmental health, health services administration, or public health.
  • Students must submit an application in writing to the finance committee chair.
  • The application must include:
    1. Name
    2. Names of co-authors
    3. Title and abstract
    4. Mentor’s name (mentor needs to co-sign the request or send support letter/email)
    5. Meeting details (conference, location, dates)
    6. Meeting/abstract information website
    7. List of expected expenses
  • Funds can be used for meeting registration, transportation, hotel accommodations and per diem according to the rules/regulations set forth by the University at Buffalo.
  • All presentations and posters funded by the department must include the UB logo. EEH should be the primary affiliation listed (along with Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center (RPCCC) or others when applicable).
  • Posters and presentations must be approved by the student’s EEH advising faculty member before presentation. The mentor is responsible to oversee this.
  • A copy of the final presentation or poster should be given to the department for posting (small color version).