Our workforce training addresses the needs of area health professionals and practitioners, and prepares our students to be tomorrow’s public health leaders.
Our programs are developed based on findings from training needs assessments and with input from professionals and communities engaged in improving the public’s health. Our training will expand your knowledge and strengthen your skills as you learn about innovations and explore current public health challenges and solutions.
UB's Department of Rehabilitation Science is proud to offer online CEs/contact hours for continued N.Y. OT/OTA/PT/PTA licensure.
We offer continuing education (CE) units for professionals with the Certified in Public Health (CPH) credential, or Certified Health Educator Specialist/Master of Certified Health Educator Specialist (CHES/MCHES) licensure. These CE units would count as a Category II activity for CHES/MCHES CE requirements. CHES/MCHES may complete up to a maximum of 30 hours of Category II activities. These activities are not pre-approved by NCHEC and can include activities such as conferences, workshops, seminars, distance learning, and self-study opportunities. To apply for Category II CECH, be sure to complete the online claim form and submit it within 90 days after completion of the event. To find other CE unit activities, visit the CHES/MCHES activity finder.
Visit the national CPH Activity Finder to see available trainings that qualify for CPH CE unites. As a National Board of Public Health Examiners (NBPHE)-certified continuing education provider, all our continuing education offerings are listed on the NBPHE website.
To see our offerings in the CPH Activity Finder:
Our workshops and seminars may also be used as continuing education for professionals with other credentials. Refer to the workshops available on the CPH Activity Finder, and the credentialing organization of interest to learn how to submit workshop documentation for these CE units.
Do you and your organization need additional training on a current public health topic? Fill out our short survey to tell us about your current training needs, interests or issues.