Fill out our academic information form to request information about programs.
The Office for Academic and Student Affairs (OASA) is the centralized advisement and student services unit in the School of Public Health and Health Professions (SPHHP). We provide advisement services to undergraduate students pursuing academic programs offered in our school.
We also provide basic information on the school's graduate and professional programs and refer students to specific contact persons in those programs for individualized advisement. The overarching mission of OASA is to provide academic advising and retention efforts that strengthen and enhance the diversity of the student body.
Office Inquiry Response Policy
Our office attempts to respond to all inquiries (email and phone calls) within 36 hours of receipt during the business week (Monday through Friday, excluding weekends and holidays). Your inquiry must include your name, phone number and the nature of your question. Please leave a voicemail if we cannot immediately answer your call.
We strive to have a team approach to student services. One of our staff members will assist you with all of your advising and student services needs.
Gaspar Farkas, PhD
Associate Dean of Academic and Student Affairs
Jillian Reading, PhD
Assistant Dean/Director of Student Affairs
416 Kimball Tower
Email: jreading@
Pedro J. Sotelo-Peryea, MS
Director, Academic Advising Initiatives
415 Kimball Tower
Email: pjsotelo@
Cassandra Walker-Whiteside, MS
Senior Academic Advisor
Student Services and Recruitment
412 Kimball Tower
Email: cfwalker@
Kristy Happ, MEd
Academic Advisor & Affiliation Agreement Coordinator
405 Kimball Tower
Email: khapp@
Jessica Warner, MEd
Assistant Director of Graduate Recruitment
414 Kimball Tower
Email: jco4@
The University at Buffalo encourages the prompt resolution of grievances filed by students as they arise, and provides procedures for the formal consideration and resolution of complaints that cannot be resolved through consultation. You can access information about filing a complaint or grievance for unfair or inequitable application of any University or School regulation here.
Office for Academic
and Student Affairs (OASA)
Our advisors are here to help and support you throughout your academic career.