Health Impact Spring/Summer 2023

The official publication of the University at Buffalo School of Public Health and Health Professions, connecting alumni, colleagues, students, friends and the community.

In this issue:

From the Dean

Trending at SPHHP

SPHHP in Depth

Inquiry and Scholarship

  • Inquiry and Scholarship

    Pandemic drinking, diet and vascular health, cannabis regulation and opioid overdose risks are some of the research topics from SPHHP faculty and students.


Faculty and Staff Updates

  • Violanti Recognized for Outstanding Contributions to Epidemiology

    John M. Violanti, research professor of epidemiology and environmental health in the School of Public Health and Health Professions, has received the Outstanding Contributions to Epidemiology Award from the American College of Epidemiology.

  • Noyes Receives National Organization’s Team Science Award

    Katia Noyes, PhD, team science core director in the University at Buffalo’s Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI), has received the 2023 Team Science Award from the Association for Clinical and Translational Science. 

  • Finding Our Motivation to Eat

    From a young age, Elizabeth Mietlicki-Baase, PhD, associate professor in the Department of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, has been fascinated by what motivates us to eat what we eat. Perhaps unsurprisingly, her research focuses on how the brain controls what we eat.

Student Connections

Alumni in Focus