
The program requires 72 credit hours; a minimum of 12 credits must be dissertation credits. 

The UB Graduate School requires a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 and a minimum grade of B in every required course.

Program metrics:

  • Instruction method: in-person
  • Fulltime/part time: full time
  • credits required: 72 hours
  • time to degree: 5 years
  • application fee: $50

Required Courses

Core Courses

Courses are offered alternating years.

  • RSC 600 Research in Rehabilitation Science (1 credit each semester for 4 semesters)
  • RSC 603 Theories and Mechanisms of Change in Rehabilitation Science (3 credits)
  • RSC 604 Disability and Rehabilitation (3 credits)
  • RSC 602 Research Ethics for the Health Sciences (3 credits)
  • CHB 550 Public Health and Population Well-Being (3 credits)
  • one grant writing course (e.g.  ES 620, CHB 605

Statistics/Research Design

  • RSC 522  Research Design and Methodology for Clinical Problems (3 credits)
  • STA 527  Introduction to Medical Statistics Statistical Analysis I, including recitation (4 credits)
  • STA 528  Statistical Analysis II, including recitation (4 credits)

Plus one of the following:

  • STA 529  Statistical Analysis III, including lab (4 credits)
  • NUS 697  Advanced Qualitative Research Methods (3 cr)
  • NUS 710  Interpreting Phenomenology (3 credits)

Research Electives

The PhD program requires a total of at least 72 credit hours. The specific courses itemized on this page plus the required minimum of 12 dissertation credits equals a total of 55 credit hours.  For the remaining 17 credit hours, you will  take research-oriented electives, from any department at the University at Buffalo, in consultation with your faculty advisor.  For example, if you were concentrating on assistive technology, you could take several related courses, such as: OT 530 Computer Access 1, CDS 670 Augmentative Communication and ARC 558 Design for Inclusive Environments.

Additional Program Requirements

Formal Teaching Experience

RSC 598 Supervised Teaching

A formal teaching experience, supervised by a faculty member, is required and preferably completed by the end of your third year in the program. Previous teaching experience can be used to meet this requirement with approval from the program director.

Qualifying Exam

Upon completion of all required courses, each student must take a qualifying exam that will consist of questions prepared by the faculty from all core courses, including the foundational Rehabilitation Science courses, Statistics courses, research design and methods, and questions specific to the student’s research program.


Following successful completion of the qualifying exam, the student will complete a mentored original research dissertation that begins with a formal public proposal and culminates with an approved written document and public defense.

Students must register for a minimum of 12 dissertation credits, which should be spread over a number of semesters towards the end of your course of study. 

Sample Curriculum Plan

Year 1 – Fall – 12 credits

RSC 600 Research in Rehab Science (1)
STA 527 Statistical Analysis I (Lec) (3)
STA 527 Statistical Analysis I (Rec) (1)
RSC 602 Research Ethics in the Health Sciences (3)
RSC 603 Theories and Mechanisms of Change in Rehab Science (3)
RSC 599 Independent Study (1)

Year 1 – Spring - 14 credits

RSC 600 Research in RS (1)
STA 528 Statistical Analysis II (Lec) (3)
STA 528 Statistical Analysis II (Rec) (1)
RSC 604 Disability and Rehabilitation (3)
RSC 522 Research Design & Methodology for Clinical Problems (3)
Elective (3)

Year 2 – Fall – 13 or 14 credits

RSC 600 Research in RS (1)
CHB 550 Public Health & Population Well-being (Lec & Rec) (3)
STA 529 or NUS 697 or NUS 710 (3 or 4)
Elective (3)
Elective (3)

Year 2 – Spring – 13 credits

RSC 600 Research in RS (1)
LAI 699 Seminar in College Teaching (3)
RSC 599 Independent Study (3) or Elective
Elective (3)
Elective (3)

Year 2 – Summer – Qualifying Exam

Year 3 – Fall – 9 or 10 credits

RSC 598 Supervised Teaching (1)
Grant writing course (ES 620, CHB 605 or equivalent) (2 or 3)
Elective (3)
RSC 699 Dissertation Guidance (3)

Year 3 – Spring – 9 credits

Elective (3)
RSC 699 Dissertation Guidance (6)

Year 4 – Fall – 2 credits

RSC 699 Dissertation Guidance (2)

Year 4 – Spring – 1 credit

RSC 699 Dissertation Guidance (1)