3 Credits, Fall Semester
Introduces basic principles of probability and distribution theory and statistical inference. Topics include axioms of probability theory, independence, conditional probability, random variables, discrete and continuous distributions, functions of random variables, moment generating functions, central limit theorem, point and interval estimation, maximum likelihood methods, tests of significance, and the Neyman-Pearson theory of testing hypotheses.
Statistical tools for analyzing experiments involving genomic data. Topics: Basic genetics and statistics, linkage analysis and map construction using genetic markers, association studies, Quantitative Trait Loci analysis with ANOVA, variance components analysis and marker regression (including multiple and partial regression), QTL mapping with interval mapping and composite interval mapping, LOD test, supervised and unsupervised methods for gene expression microarray data across multiple conditions. LEC
Prerequisites: STA 505 and STA 506 or STA 527 and STA 506 or STA 503
3 Credits, Fall Semester
Prerequisite: MTH 431 (Advanced calculus) or concurrent enrollment in STA 511
Provides student with probability and distribution theory necessary for study of statistics. Topics: axioms of probability theory, independence, conditional probability, random variables, discrete and continuous probability distributions, functions of random variables, moment generating functions, Law of Large Numbers and Central Limit Theorem.
For those students interested in the PhD program, STA 521 is the preferred course.
3 Credits, Spring Semester
Since the completion of the human genome project, there is a burgeoning field of new applications for statistics involving high throughput experiments designed to gather large amounts of information on biological systems. This course is focused on discussing the wide array of approaches and technologies implemented to gather this information and the statistical issues involved from initial data processing steps to end stage research objectives. Specifically, time permitting, the technologies we will examine include two dimensional protein gel electrophoresis, protein mass spectrometry, and several flavors of microarray experiments. We will use the text “Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Solutions Using R and Bioconductor.” Much of the work for the course will involve analyzing data sets from class and from the text using the R language.
3 Credits, Fall Semester
Prerequisite: STA 511
This course presents the topic of data mining from a statistical perspective, with attention directed towards both applied and theoretical considerations. An emphasis will be placed on supervised learning methods. Topics include: linear and logistic regression, discriminant analysis, shrinkage methods, subset selection, dimension reduction techniques, classification and regression trees, ensemble methods, neural networks, and random forests. Model selection and estimation of generalization error will be emphasized. Considerations and issues that arise with high-dimensional (N<<p) applications will be highlighted. Applications will be presented in R to illustrate methods and concepts.
3 Credits, Fall Semester
Prerequisite: STA 511
This course presents the topic of data mining from a statistical perspective, with attention directed towards both applied and theoretical considerations. The focus will be on supervised learning, which concerns outcome prediction from input data. Students will be introduced to a number of methods for supervised learning, including: linear and logistic regression, shrinkage methods, lasso, partial least squares, tree-based methods, model assessment and selection, model inference and averaging, and neural networks. Computational applications will be presented using R and high dimensional data to reinforce theoretical concepts.
Project Guidance - MS Bioinformatics and Biostatistics program students only.
3 Credits, Fall Semester
Prerequisite: None
The course will provide students with an understanding of and appreciation for population approaches to improving the health of our nation and the world, as well as knowledge of various career paths in public health. Course content includes: public health perspectives on health, wellness, illness, and population well-being; key influences on the health and well being of individuals and populations; assessing public health problems from a population health perspective; using the five core components of public health to address health problems; effectively utilizing health information to address public health issues; and career paths in public health and the training/expertise required to pursue them. Students will engage in critical assessment of historical and current public health events, and creative application of their foundational knowledge to new public health problems. The course is particularly applicable to students preparing to pursue a health-related career and to students in health professions programs desiring a knowledge of public health approaches.
3 Credits, Fall Semester
Prerequisite: MTH 142 or second course in calculus or permission of instructor
Regression analysis and introduction to linear models. Topics: Multiple regression, analysis of covariance, least square means, logistic regression, and non-linear regression. This course includes a one-hour computer lab and emphasizes hands-on applications to datasets from the health sciences.
3 Credits, Spring Semester
Prerequisite: STA 503
Advanced presentation of statistical methods for comparing populations and estimating and testing associations between variables. Topics: Point estimation, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, ANOVA models for 1, 2 and k way classifications, multiple comparisons, chi-square test of homogeneity, Fisher's exact test, McNemar’s test, measures of association, including odds ratio, relative risks, Mantel-Haenszel tests of association, and standardized rates, repeated measures ANOVA, simple regression and correlation. This course includes a one-hour computing lab and emphasizes hands-on applications to datasets from the health-related sciences.
3 Credits, Fall Semester
Prerequisite: Undergraduate Probability and Statistics course
Introduces alternate methods for designing and analyzing comparative studies that may be used when some or all of the assumptions underlying the usual parametric method are questionable. Topics: 1-, 2-, and k-sample location problems, randomized block and repeated measures designs, the independence problem, rank transformation tests, randomization tests, the 2-sample dispersion problem and other topics as time permits.
3 Credits, Fall Semester
Prerequisite: STA 504 and STA 522. Concurrent registration in prerequisites is admissible.
This course provides students with useful methods for analyzing categorical data. Topics: Cross-classification tables, tests for independence, log-linear models, Poisson regression, ordinal logistic regression, and multinomial regression for the logistic model.
3 Credits, Fall Semester
Prerequisite: STA 505 and STA 506, or STA 504 or permission of instructor
Introduction to fundamental principles and planning techniques for designing and analyzing statistical experiments. Recommended for students in applied fields. Topics: Justification for randomized controlled clinical trials, methods of randomization, blinding and placebos, ethical issues, parallel groups design, crossover trials, inclusion of covariates, determining sample size, sequential designs, interim analysis, repeated measures studies.
3 Credits, Spring Semester
Prerequisite: STA 503 or permission of instructor
Introduction to theory and practice of sample surveys involving collection of statistical data from planned surveys.
3 Credits, Spring Semester
Prerequisite: STA 504 or permission of instructor
Introduces factorial experiments, fractional factorial experiments, confounding, lattice designs, various incomplete block designs, efficiency of experimentation, and problems of design construction.
3 Credits
Prerequisite: STA 522
Deals with statistical methods for estimation and testing hypotheses when samples are observed and analyzed sequentially.
Prerequisite: STA 521 or permission of instructor
For graduate students who have had an introduction to probability theory and advanced calculus. Concepts, properties, basic theory and applications of stochastic processes.
Prerequisite: STA 504
Introduction to methods for analyzing longitudinal and time series data. Topics: Random coefficient regression models, growth curve analysis, hierarchical linear models, general mixed models, autoregressive and moving average models for time series data, and the analysis of cross-section time series data.
3 Credits, Spring Semester
Prerequisite: STA 521
The Bayesian approach to statistical design and analysis can be viewed as a philosophical approach or as a procedure-generator. The use of Bayesian design and analysis is burgeoning. In this introduction to Bayesian methods, we consider basic examples of Bayesian thinking and formalism on which more complicated and comprehensive approaches are built. These include adjusting estimates using related information, the use of Bayes Factors in testing of hypotheses, the relationship of the prior and posterior 7 distributions, and the key steps in a Bayesian analysis. We consider the Bayesian approach that requires a data likelihood (the sampling distribution) and a prior distribution. From these, the posterior distribution can be computed and used to inform statistical design and analysis. Applications of this technique are presented.
Prerequisite: permission of instructor
Special topics courses provide regular classroom instruction in evolving areas of biostatistics. They are used to educate students on topics that have not yet been included in permanent course offerings.
3 Credits, Fall Semester
Prerequisite: STA 504 and STA 522
Provides an advanced course on the use of life tables and analysis of failure time data. Topics: Use of Kaplan-Meier survival curves, use of log rank test, Cox proportional hazards model, evaluating the proportionality assumption, dealing with non-proportionality, stratified Cox procedure, extension to time-dependent variables, and comparison with logistic regression approaches.
3 Credits, Fall Semester
Prerequisite: MTH 142 (second semester calculus) and STA 505 or STA 527, or STA 503
Presents methods for analyzing multiple outcome variables simultaneously, and classification and variable reduction. Topics: Multivariate normal distribution, simple, partial, and multiple correlation; Hotelling’s T-squared, multivariate analysis of variance, and general linear hypothesis, and discriminant analysis, cluster analysis, principal components analysis, and factor analysis.
Introduction to Bioinformatics will introduce graduate students to the principles and practices used in computational analysis of DNA and protein sequences, analysis of large scale DNA and protein datasets, statistical analysis of sequence alignments and gene array datasets, proteomics, and protein structure prediction.
This course introduces students to algorithm design and implementation in a modern, high-level, programming language (currently, Java). It emphasizes problem-solving by abstraction. There will also be a brief coverage of the social and ethical aspects of computing. Topics include data types, variables, expressions, basic imperative programming techniques including assignment, input/output, subprograms, parameters, selection, iteration, Boolean type, and expressions, and the use of aggregate data structures including arrays and records. Students will also have an introduction to the basics of abstract data types and object-oriented design, as well as the mathematics of computer science such as Boolean algebra, basic number theory, etc.
This course is designed for CSE and Bioinformatics graduate students. Computational Biology studies the problems arising from Biology using algorithmic techniques. Typical problems include: sequencing and alignment of DNA and protein sequences; construction and comparison of evolutionary trees. These problems are of central importance in Biology. The course provides insights that will help students gain a comprehensive understanding of computational problems in Biology, and techniques for designing efficient algorithms for solving these problems. Prerequisite: Basic understanding of programming, or molecular biology and genetics.
Prerequisite: None
Introduction to the basic principles, methods, and uses of epidemiology. This course is a master’s/doctoral level course designed to introduce epidemiology, its methods and its role in public health. A major portion of the course will be devoted to an overview of fundamental epidemiologic methods used in public health research and practice. The student will be familiarized with basic measures used in describing disease frequency in populations. Descriptive and analytic approaches to the study of disease will be explored, and a perspective on the role of epidemiologic methods in health services planning and evaluation will be provided. Problem solving exercises will be used to provide students with an opportunity to tabulate data and apply subject matter developed during lectures and in reading assignments. At the end of the course students should have a general understanding of the uses and limitations of epidemiologic inquiry. This understanding should provide the basis for applying epidemiologic concepts in work-related settings and in other courses in the public health curriculum.
Format: seated