Full citation

Govind, M. and M. Küttim (2017). "International Knowledge Transfer from University to Industry: A Systematic Literature Review." Research in Economics and Business: Central and Eastern Europe 8(2).

Format: Research – literature review

Type:  Peer reviewed journal article

Experience level of reader: Basic

Annotation: Joint efforts to produce new technology are marked by complicated interrelationships. Studies that seek to measure outcomes of public/private collaborations mostly measure output quantitatively in terms of papers, patents, etc. and some qualify the more subjective benefits. Examining how successful partnerships work involves many sub-factors. Collaboration across international borders is gaining prevalence, with scholars yet to agree about whether these partnerships undermine or strengthen the respective actors’ innovation systems.

Setting(s) to which the reported activities/findings are relevant: Business, SMEs, University

Knowledge user(s) to whom the piece of literature may be relevant: Researchers, Managers, Policy Makers Intermediaries.

Knowledge user level addressed by the literature: Basic

This article uses the Commercial Devices and Services version of the NtK Model

Primary findings


  • Distance inhibits KT, and that distance may come in the form of cognitive, organizational, social, institutional and geographical differences.
    Literature review findings
    Occurrences within model: NtK Steps 3.1, 4.1, 4.6
  • Organizing knowledge into a universal format for efficient transfer strips away significant meaning such as local relevance and other idiosyncrasies.
    Literature review findings
    Occurrences within model: NtK Steps 3.1, 5.3
  • Actors with similar technological knowledge are less likely to produce novel ideas.
    Literature review findings
    Occurrences within model: NtK Step 3.1


  • Face to face interactions are superior means of achieving tactic value such as relationship building and individual professional development.
    Literature review findings
    Occurrences within model: NtK Steps 3.1, 5.3
  • The type of knowledge influences which channels are best means of transfer; technical knowledge is suitable for transfer over distance however tacit knowledge is best shared locally.
    Literature review findings
    Occurrences within model: NtK Step 5.1


Select research partners with planned means of knowledge transfer in mind, as distance complicates translating knowledge which is soft, contextual, cultural etc.
Literature review findings
Occurrences within model: NtK Step 4.1