Steps KTA 7.A through KTA 7.G for KTA for Un-launched Innovations

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Step KTA 7.A

Identify lessons learned from innovation development process.

Step KTA 7.B

Adapt lessons learned into tools relevant to each knowledge user (KU) group. Consider instrumental, conceptual, and/or strategic uses of the innovation and lessons learned.

Step KTA 7.C

Assess barriers (B) to use of tools relating lessons learned. Survey KUs to understand why they may be unable/ unwilling to use the tools or apply the lessons learned.

Step KTA 7.D

Select and implement interventions to overcome barriers.

Step KTA 7.E

Monitor use of tools and provide support as needed.

Step KTA 7.F

Evaluate outcomes. May have to develop new outcome measures. 

Step KTA 7.G

Sustain use of lessons learned via tools.

KTA Resources

Graphic of KTA for Unlaunched Innovation Outputs Download pdf

KTA Table for Innovation Outputs Download pdf

This table lists six stakeholder groups who may be knowledge users, and answers the questions “What to share with each knowledge user group”, and “How to reach each knowledge user group”, while also describing the anticipated knowledge translation outcomes from engaging with each group.