Team-based knowledge work

Competency Group: Business

Type: Process

Description: There are three key knowledge processes that constitute the notion of team based knowledge work: (1) Knowledge sharing, (2) Knowledge creation and (3) Team learning. This process is further explored through task complexity, distributed knowledge, interdependence, media use and all types of dynamics within teams. A theoretical framework can be used to identify the most appropriate type of team-based knowledge work based on team’s knowledge composition (homogeneous, heterogeneous) and the nature of the problem being solved (ill-structured, well-structured).

Citation for Description: Erhardt, N. (2011). Is it all about teamwork? Understanding processes in team-based knowledge work. Management Learning, 42(1), 87-112

Units: Structured internal knowledge

Advantages: Knowing individual team members abilities is extremely important when a team leader delegates resources.

Limitations: This process can be difficult for some team members to adopt. It can lead to tensions within teams if not implemented seamlessly.

Target Audience: Top management, Marketing, R&D

Relevant to Universal Design: Yes

Stages and Steps: 1.1

Free Resource: Bligh, M. C., Pearce, C. L., Kohles, J. C. (n.d.). The importance of self and shared leadership in team based knowledge work: A meso-level model of leadership dynamics. Retrieved from

Purchase Resource: Erhardt, N. (2011). Is it all about teamwork? Understanding processes in team-based knowledge work. Management Learning, 42(1), 87-112. Retrieved from