Step 3.4

If there is a need to conduct original scientific research in order to generate new knowledge in the form of conceptual discoveries, prepare/submit proposals and secure funding from appropriate sponsor. If not, skip Steps 3.5 — 3.7 and go directly to Step 3.8.

Primary findings

Secondary findings

Primary findings


In cases with lacking administrative support, accounting, reporting etc. may fall to the most capable or educated people – drawing researchers or providers away from their most important work.
From comparison of two case studies. 
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Winning public support for partnership projects is a challenge because the projects are secretive by nature. 
Non-experimental study
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Scientists who are unaccustomed to oversight benefit from operational support such as report templates. 
Non-experimental study
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There is a way to abuse matching fund grants. Applicants can collude with business partners who furnish the matching funds in order to get the contract and be guaranteed the money. This subverts competition and creates animosity, especially in scarce markets. 
Case study findings
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Rules controlling state aid are intended to address concerns about economic advantage and so funds are routed through state entities with the intent of preserving the internal market.
Case study findings
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Reporting financial outcomes only presents an incomplete representation of success or failure of a whole project or product.
Literature review findings 
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Research-based scholarly publications rarely include information that itemizes associated costs and benefits, or facilitates planning and budgeting. Other common absences of information include implementation-related factors such as the availability of practice guidelines, staffing requirements, educational prerequisites, training needs, and performance life-cycles. Researchers often have many of the answers, but journals rarely consider the information to be within their scope of coverage.
Literature review and professional reflections.
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Research-based scholarly publications rarely include information that itemizes associated costs and benefits, or facilitates planning and budgeting. Other common absences of information include implementation-related factors such as the availability of practice guidelines, staffing requirements, educational prerequisites, training needs, and performance life cycles. Researchers often have many of the answers, but journals rarely consider the information to be within their scope of coverage.
Literature review and professional reflections.
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Winning grants creates a “virtuous cycle” of better research, higher-prestige publications, and more notoriety. An improved reputation attracts better scientists and more support. 
Non-experimental study
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State aid can incentivize R&D as well as drive down prices. 
Case study findings
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Rules regulating business activities may be defined with exceptions for “the greater good,” and market intervention can occur in instances of market failures. 
Case study findings
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Typically incubators cultivate specific regional attributes, be they organizational structures, operation policies, or institutional affiliations to better serve local incubatees.
Case study findings
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Incubators strive to stimulate entrepreneurship in entrepreneurs’ early phases. They provide amenities including affordable rent, networking, business and management expertise, administrative services and access to financial resources.
Case study findings
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Non-financial performance measures often correlate with financial performance. This is useful for forecasting success. Customer satisfaction ratings and website performance are such metrics.
Literature review findings 
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Linking measures to strategic initiative reduces the common measures bias in evaluating performance.
Literature review findings 
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Managing the innovation process, including obtaining timely, appropriate funding for all stages of the discovery pipeline and generating commercial outcomes, is crucial to ensuring firm survival.
Authors experience.
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Senior Management and External Stakeholders — image managing, information seeking — As NPD in biotechnology is a many year project, it is essential that the role of the fundraiser is performed to ensure a steady flow of investment funds. Subjects indicated that the external communication to the funds analysts and venture capitalists could be considered ‘Investor Relations’ or ‘Public Relations.’ In return, these stakeholders require information about the firm’s milestones, progress and future research to continue funding.
Case study analysis
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Proposals may be assessed to ensure projects are consistent with international best practices, provide strong evidence of feasible implementation arrangements, and show that interventions are evidence-based.
From comparison of two case studies. 
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If funding organizations are going to require explicit identification of knowledge translation activities in research proposals, the funding organizations should ensure that researchers fully understand the purpose and processes associated with knowledge translation. Funding organizations should also strongly encourage researchers to consider the addition of relevant knowledge translation thinking and activities early in the research planning stages. It is important that researchers demonstrate awareness of the value and benefits of incorporating knowledge translation in their projects, and not just appear to be complying with funder requirements by ‘ticking-off-boxes.’
Knowledge translation guidance for researchers.
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If the integrated KT approach (which leverages the involvement of key stakeholders from research inception to completion) is used, ensure that adequate funding is allocated for promotional activities (e.g., public appearances, including information booths at local malls, storefronts and community exhibits; newsletters, public awareness campaigns and advertisements.
Applying integrated KT in Mental Health research.
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Secondary findings


Despite an abundance of academic and scientific expertise, biotechnology firms suffer from a lack of management skill and knowledge. This lack of skills and knowledge impacts on the firm’s ability to manage NPD as well as to secure the funding required for sustained performance.
Source: Ernst_&_Young (2001), Department of Industry Science and Resources and Ernst & Young (1999). In: Frahm, J., Ireland, D.C., & Hine, D. (2007)


A guide to assist reviewers in assessing health research knowledge translation plans.
Source: Georing (2010). In: Ward, V., Smith, S., Foy, R., House, A. & Hamer, S. (2010)

The primary source for knowledge translation guidance in the UK is contained within the online electronic application used by all state-funded research councils. Additional advice is provided by the Natural Environment Research Council. Some universities also provide advice in response to impact plans.
Source: BBSRC (2009); AHHRC (2010); EPSRC (2010); NERC (2009a); Imperial College (2009). In: Ward, V., Smith, S., Foy, R., House, A. & Hamer, S. (2010)


When designing a knowledge translation communication strategy, researchers should consider how best to determine all costs associated dissemination.
Source: Harmsworth (2001); Canadian Health Services Research Foundation (2004). In: Wilson, P.M., Petticrew, M., Calnan, M. W. & Nazareth, I. (2010)