We established Gamma Lambda on April 9, 2012, inducting 21 students, alumni and faculty in our inaugural year. Since then, we have inducted over 100 members, recognizing each for their protection and advancement of the health of all people.
Our world faces many challenges, and we are at the forefront of the public health response. Our members provide guidance for policies on smoking and vaping, lead research that improves the world’s understanding of cancer causes and effective treatments, and are on the front lines responding to and working on vaccine development for COVID-19.
We champion future public health leaders by recognizing students for their service and scholarship at the School’s annual Perry Poster Day and will continue to recognize students, alumni, faculty and partners as the best among us, creating a healthier world for all.
Founded in 1924, Delta Omega is the honorary society for public health with chapters in over 70 Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH)-accredited schools and programs providing public health degrees. The Society promotes teaching, scholarship, and service in public health, and recognizes individuals who have demonstrated leadership and achievement in these areas.
Delta Omega membership reflects dedication to quality in public health, and the protection and advancement of health for all people. Members are elected based on high academic standards and outstanding performance in scholarship, teaching, research and service from four groups:
Gamma Lambda Presidents
Gamma Lambda Founders
Kozlowski, Lynn, PhD
Michalek, Arthur, PhD, FACE
Ohtake, Patricia, PhD
Trevisan, Maurizio, PhD
Stapleton, Daniel J., MBA
Pettit, Paul, MSL
Student Name | Degree |
Ackroyd, Sarah | MPH |
Anthony, Jordan | MPH |
Benson, Katelyn | MPH |
Bismark, Rashmi | MD, MPH |
Bleasdale, Jacob | PhD, MS |
Bowdwin, Melina | MPH |
Brisley, Elisabeth | MPH |
Burganowski, Rachael | MS |
Campbell, Erin | MD, MPH |
Cercone Heavey, Sarah | MPH |
Chen, Xiwei | PhD |
Coleman, Robert | MPH |
Culpepper, Daniel | MPH |
Daws, Rachel | MSW, MPH |
DeVito, Roseann | MPH |
Ding, Yuxin | PhD |
Dobson-Amato, Katharine | PhD |
Dunn, Hugh | MPH |
Eggert, Meredith | MPH |
Ellis, Erin | PhD |
Etter, John Lewis | PhD |
Falcone, Daniela | MPH |
Farhat, Zeinab | PhD |
Fuzak, Maggie | MS |
Gabriel, Steven | MPH |
Gadley-Aaron, Briana | MPH |
Gao, Xinyu | PhD |
Gilbert, Jennifer | DVM, MPH |
Student Name | Degree |
Girish, Shruti | MPH, MS |
Gleason, Kelly | MPH |
Harris, Jim | MPH |
Hassinger, Amanda | MD, MPH |
Higgins, Kellen | PhD |
Hou, Surui | PhD |
Hutton, Gabe | MPH |
Imam, Netsanet | PhD |
Imobhio, Ebehitale | MPH |
Jacobs, David | PharmD, PhD |
Jehrio, Matthew | MS |
Joh, Ju | MPH |
Kalinowski, Leanna | MPH |
Kalyan, Kristina | DPT, MPH |
Kemp, Christine | MPH |
Leach, Jacob | MPH |
Li, Yanli | PhD |
Liu, Anran | PhD |
Liu, Xiaobin | MA |
Lopian, Kailey | MPH |
Luu, Raymond | MPH |
Mai, Xiaodan | PhD |
Manuel, Jerry | MPH |
Milcarek, Lyndsey | MPH |
Miller, Lorin | PhD |
Morris, Karen | MPH |
Nan, Nan | PhD |
Nguyen, Jeremy | MPH |
Nui, Zhongzheng | PhD |
Oluyomi, Tinuke | PhD |
Student Name | Degree |
Pan, Xin (Skai) | MPH |
Premo, Hannah | MPH |
Quinones, Sarah | PhD, MPH |
Rumfola, Alora | MPH |
Saddleson, Megan | PhD |
Sanchez Nolasco, Tatiana | MPH |
Schenk, Alexa | MPH |
Sheng, Haiyang | PhD |
Smith, Danielle | PhD |
Smith, Philip | PhD |
Sullivan, Alexandra | MPH |
Tan, Yihao | PhD |
Thompson, Mikayla | BS/MPH |
Tian, Wanqing | PhD |
Tylock, Rachael | MS |
Tzetzo, Alyssa | DDS, MPH |
Vaughn, Caila | PhD |
Wang, Jia | PhD |
Warner, Alexandra | MPH |
Watson, Angela | MPH |
Yang, Fengwei | MA |
Yin, Jingjing | PhD |
Yue, Yihua | PhD |
Zhu, Jingtao | MA |
Ziegler, Amanda | MPH |
Student Name | Degree |
Abbatiello, Lucas | BS |
Agard, Mya | BS |
Alvarez, Jocelyn | BS |
Andriette, Cali | BS |
Angbazo, Amazhe | BS |
Blatto, Nicholas | BS |
Chen, Frank | BS |
Chmieleski, Lindsay | BS |
Cohen, William | BS |
Danvin, James | BS |
Durfey, Samantha | BS |
Flores, Jackie | BS |
Fusani, Claire | BS |
George, Kennedy | BS |
Giglia, Kayla | BS |
Goodenough, Sarah | BS |
Jelfo, Ashley | BS |
John, Jenny | BS |
Jones, Emma | BS |
Juliano, Alyssa | BS |
Student Name | Degree |
Kelly, Jake | BS |
Kenney, Erin | BS |
Keyes, Lauren | BS |
Kiner, Cameron | BS |
Krishnan, Srikrithi | BS |
Lazurus, Naomi | BS |
Lee, Minyoung | BS |
Li, Tina | BS |
Logan, Natalie | BS |
Matewos, Carmel | BS |
Moreno, Sarah | BS |
Morris, Julianna | BS |
Regalado, Pauline Kirsten | BS |
Schneider, Madeline | BS |
Seidman, Jennifer | BS |
Shaikh, Saffa | BS |
Sniatecki, Taylor | BS |
Van Vessem, Grace | BS |
Wyman, Alexandra | BS |
Zolt, Perla | BS |
Alumni Name | Degree |
Ali, Fahed | PharmD, MPH |
Amato, Michael | MPH |
Attwood, Kristopher | MA, PhD |
Ayler, Amanda | MPH |
Bosse, Miranda | MPH, MSW |
Brady, William | PhD |
Brennan, Renee | PhD |
Briskey, Corey | MPH |
Buck, Germaine | PhD |
Cai, Xueya | PhD |
Carter, Autum | BS |
Celestino, Paula | MPH |
Chandrasekhar Raman, Rameela | PhD |
Cilino, Sara | BS |
Consiglio, Joseph | PhD |
Crabtree, Christina | MPH |
Dibaj, Shiva | PhD |
DiCecca, Juliana | BS |
Domachowske, Elizabeth | MPH |
Dukat, Jennifer | BS |
Duffy, Linda | PhD, MPH |
Fan, Yichen | MA |
Ferguson, Elizabeth | BS |
Filaci, Virginia | PhD |
Foley, Gabrielle | PhD |
Freudenheim, Jo | PhD |
Alumni Name | Degree |
Gabriel, Steven | MPH |
Gaeddert, John | MPH |
Gibbons, Keenan | MPH |
Giovino, Gary | PhD |
Golzy, Mojgan | PhD |
Guggilam, Sreelekha | PhD, MS |
Haibach, Jeffrey | PhD |
Hammett, Rebecca | MPH |
Hidalgo, Samantha | MPH |
Hua, Jia | PhD |
Hyland, Andrew | PhD |
Islam, Tania | MPH |
Izkhakov, Neriy | MPH |
Kamm, Kelly | PhD |
Kang, Le | PhD |
King, Brian | PhD |
Lembke, Joshua | MPH |
Lin, Tengda | MPH |
Linzy, Milan | BS |
Mendola, Pauline | PhD |
Merriman, Joel | MPH |
Miller, Austin | PhD |
Minlikeeva, Albina | PhD |
Morrow, Sarah | MD, MS |
Ochs-Balcom, Heather | PhD |
Pieprzak, Angela | PharmD, MPH |
Pierre, Aretha | BS |
Pusateri, Mara | MPH |
Reinier Narvaez, John | MD, MPH |
Rizzo, Rachel | MS, MPH |
Alumni Name | Degree |
Rokisky, Justin | BS |
Rook Krytus, Kim | MPH |
Rose, Andrea | BS |
Rossman, Christian | BS |
Sauer, Halle | DPT/MPH |
Scheunemann, Holger | MD/MPH |
Shan, Guogen | PhD |
Shaver, Amy | MPH |
Simone, Branden | BS |
Smith Ordain, Nigel | BS |
Snyder, Kim | MPH |
Szender, J. Brian | MD, MPH |
Tekwe, Carmen | PhD |
Terreri, Laura | DPT, MPH |
Thompson, Mikayla | BS/MPH |
Travers, Mark | PhD |
Upton, Will | BS |
Van Domselaar, Ivy | BS |
Van Valkenburg, Dana | BS |
Vazquez, Danielle | MBA/MPH |
Voccola, Kiersten | BS |
Wactawski-Wende, Jean | PhD |
Wang, Dongliang | PhD |
Wei, Lai | PhD |
Wheat, Deirdre | MD, MPH |
Wilson, Juliana | DO, MPH |
Young, Kristina | MS |
Faculty Name | Degree |
Carter, Randy | PhD |
Daniels Jr., Dennis | PhD |
Hutson, Alan | PhD |
Kiviniemi, Marc | PhD |
Kruger, Jessica | PhD |
LaMonte, Michael | PhD, MPH |
Leone, Lucia | PhD |
Faculty Name | Degree |
Li, Carl | MD, MPH |
Liu, Yibin | PhD |
Ma, Chang-Xing | PhD |
Markatou, Marianthi | PhD |
Miecznikowski, Jeff | PhD |
Millen, Amy | PhD |
Mu, Lina | PhD, MD |
Noyes, Ekaterina | PhD, MPH |
Faculty Name | Degree |
Orom, Heather | PhD |
Przybyla, Sarahmona | PhD, MPH |
Ram, Pavani | MD |
Tian, Lili | PhD |
Vexler, Albert | PhD |
Wilding, Greg | PhD |
Yu, Jihnhee | PhD |