South Campus Classrooms

This resource page provides you with the university supported tools you need to schedule a room and record your lecture or presentation.

Panopto Recording and Live Streaming

Recording in any classroom starts with selecting the correct room. Once the person responsible for picking the room has identified a room with recording capabilities, they need to book the room, and then request the recording through central IT. The recordings are processed through Panopto, which integrates with UB Learns.

Frequently Scheduled Rooms with Technology

Request Through
108 Kimball Jaclyn Levesque
430 Kimball Dean's Office
821 Kimball Dean's Office
125 BEB/Lippschitz Derek Farkas
180 Farber
235 Cary/Computer Lab Keith Conroy

Both 430 and 821 Kimball include a conference camera for virtual meetings. Add these public calendars to your outlook account to see the current schedules. 

Centrally Scheduled Rooms Maximum Occupancy
Diefendorf 2 110
Diefendorf 146 225
Diefendorf 147 431
Diefendorf 148 225
Diefendorf 203 101
Pharmacy Building 125 172
Pharmacy Building 190 282
Wende 114 138
Farber 144 105
Farber 150
Farber G26 184