A concise description of no more than three single-spaced pages.
It should:
- chronicle history, evolution, focus and current research line of inquiry including funding;
- describe the extent of revision and degree of differentiation from work completed for graduate degrees if seeking continuing appointment at the Associate level;
- present evidence of the influence of the research and scholarship;
- identify trans-disciplinary and collaborative research including documenting degree of the candidate's contribution to co-authored or co-investigator research;
- describe plans for further development, new work and future funding.
Professional service that fulfills the School's mission: “… to improve the health of populations, communities and individuals …” is an expectation of all faculty in the School. The candidate's statement (no more than 2 pages) should be constructed according to the University's recognition of three categories of service.
It is expected that all faculty participate in the governance and operation of the Department, School and/or University, contribute as appropriate to policy formulation and curriculum development, and handle all administrative duties in a timely and competent manner. Includes service in administrative roles (Director of Undergraduate or Graduate Programs, Chair, Associate Dean, etc.) and service on committees, review panels, task forces, ad hoc committees, and other working groups at all levels of the University.
Includes contributions to local social service and community organizations that do not draw specifically on one's professional academic expertise (e.g., Scout leader).
Summative, concise in its focus, selective in documentation, and economical in format (~ 20 pages for statement and portfolio, quantitative teaching evaluations are not included in the 20 pages). It should include the candidate's teaching statement (no more than 3 pages) and a portfolio of materials that explicitly represent the candidate's teaching goals, strength, and accomplishments (as distinct from the evidence of scholarship in the discipline and various kinds of service activity) in a form that can be peer-reviewed by internal evaluators and the department Chair. Candidate's teaching statement to include:
- Teaching philosophy. Include:
- range of undergraduate and graduate courses taught and the relationship to and impact of these courses on the academic programs or units;
- development of new courses if applicable;
- mentorship and supervision of undergraduate and graduate students;
- innovations in teaching that enhance the quality of the instructional experience;
- reference to scholarly productivity and activities in relation to teaching and learning (books, articles, software developed, presentations, video or teaching CDs, online courses, funding awarded for teaching-learning development activities).
- An appendix of material that:
- provides evidence where available of student learning or other measures of success (honors projects and student research accomplishments/involvement, outstanding evidence of career achievement, job placements, etc.);
- represents the candidate's best and most important teaching accomplishments (student resource material, documentation of website, CD-ROM, etc.);
- documents teaching and learning innovations (development of new teaching techniques, significant learning strategies, evidence of pedagogical influence, etc.);
- and documents evidence of teaching-learning development activities.
- Quantitative results from all course/teaching evaluations while at UB in a standardized summary or tabular form with averaged results for comparing the candidate's individual teaching effectiveness with other faculty in the Department or School as well as full course evaluations from the most recent administration of each course taught since appointment at UB or last promotion, whichever is most recent.
Reviewed by the SPHHP Executive and Planning Committee: 10/2008
Reviewed by UB's Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs: 01/2009
Reviewed by UB's Provost: 01/2009
Adopted by the SPHHP: 01/29/2009