Nadine M. Fisher


Nadine M. Fisher.

Nadine M. Fisher


Nadine M. Fisher


Clinical Associate Professor
Director, Rehabilitation Physiology Laboratory
Co-director, Rehabilitation Science PhD Program

Research Topics

Assessing physiological and functional limitations and developing exercise and rehabilitation programs for various disability groups, including osteoarthritis, juvenile arthritis, MS, post-polio syndrome, hemophilia and frail to well elderly.

Selected Publications

  • Tomita M, Fisher N, Nair SRamsey D, Persons, K. Impact of Physical Activities on Frailty in Community-Dwelling Older Women. Physical and Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, 2018. 
  • Tomita MR, NM Fisher, D Ramsey, K Stanton, L Bierdeman, L Kocher, S Saharan, R Sridhar, BJ Naughton, G Wilding. Effects of virtual group exercise at home (V-GEAH) on adherence and fall risks in older adults with a history of falling. Gerontol Geriatr: Res 2(3):1018, 2016.
  • Fisher NM, A Limprasertkul, DR Pendergast. Fat metabolism increases after exercise training in older men, but not women. Healthy Aging Research, accepted April 2016.
  • Ray AD, M Mahoney, NM Fisher. Measures of respiratory function correlate with fatigue in ambulatory persons with multiple sclerosis. Disability Rehab 37(26):2407-2412, 2015. DOI:10.3109/09638288.2015.1031286.
  • Ray AD, S Udhoji, T Mashtare, NM Fisher. Feasibility of a short duration respiratory muscle training program to improve respiratory muscle strength and quality of life in multiple sclerosis. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 94(10):1964-1970, 2013.

  • Limprasertkul A*, T You, NM Fisher, AB Awad, DR Pendergast.  Exercise-induced plasma cytokines between older and younger adults.  Int SportMed J 14(1):16-28, 2013. * indicates student
  • Limprasertkul A*, NM Fisher, AB Awad, DR Pendergast. Statin therapy depresses fat metabolism in older individuals. J Am College Nutrition 31(1):32-38, 2012. * indicates student

  • Limprasertkul A*, NM Fisher, AB Awad, DR Pendergast. The respiratory exchange ratio is higher in older adults, but is reduced by aerobic exercise training. Int J Endocrinol Metab 9(1):264-270, 2011. * indicates student

  • Wang YJ*, M Boehmke, YWB Wu, SS Dickerson, N Fisher. Effects of a 6-week walking program on Taiwanese women newly diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer.  Cancer Nursing 34(2):E1-E13, 2011.  * indicates student

  • **Pendergast DR, K Meksawan, A Limprasertkul, NM Fisher.  Influence of exercise on nutritional requirements.  Eur J Appl Physiol 111:379-390, 2011.
    ** This paper was among the top 5 most frequently downloaded articles of EJAP in 2011 and 2012, with over 500 downloads in 2012.