The Department of Epidemiology and Environmental Health (formerly Social and Preventive Medicine) recently celebrated 100 years of contributions to the health of Buffalo, the region, the nation and the world.
EEH was first established in 1919 as the Department of Hygiene and Public Health. Since that time, while the focus of our teaching, research and service has changed with the changing needs of our communities, we have remained committed to understanding how best to prevent disease, deliver care, and teach researchers and practitioners in public health. We are very proud of the many major public health leaders who have been part of our department. This 100th celebration is an opportunity to understand and commemorate our history, and to look to the future, in a time of rapidly changing public health challenges.
2019 marked the 100th anniversary of the birth of SPHHP’s Department of Epidemiology and Environmental Health and 100 years of evidence-informed education, groundbreaking research, prominent researchers and community engagement. Take a tour of this timeline to discover the milestones in the department’s evolution and growth.
EEH 100th Anniversary Symposium Program
Epi Monitor Interview - Check out this Epimonitor interview to get a firsthand look at the “Department’s story” as told by Dr. Jo Freudenheim.
Health Now Article – Understand the importance of research and impact in the history of UB EEH.
“The Firsts” - as cataloged by Dr. John Vena
Saxon Graham Lecture Video – View Dr. John Vena’s lecture at the Albright-Knox Art Gallery on 5.30.2019.
Symposium Lecture Video – Watch as current and past faculty talk about the achievements and on-going projects conducted by UB EEH on 5.31.2019.
Faculty and staff from the department of Social and Preventive Medicine gather together on the steps of 2211 Main Street in Buffalo, NY, approximately 1989.
Faculty and staff from the department of epidemiology and environmental health gather together on the steps of Farber Hall, UB South Campus during the fall semester of 2018.
As we celebrate the past, we are looking to the future. We continue to have wonderful, thoughtful, innovative and energetic students. Your support will help us to recruit, train and launch the best, most diverse students so that they become the new generation of leaders, laying the groundwork in public health for the next 100 years. Please consider paying it forward to help current and future students succeed.
The EEH 100th Anniversary Fund is for student support including tuition assistance, stipends, conference expenses and research funds.
The Julie Baker fund is for tuition assistance for masters students.
The Saxon Graham fund is for epidemiology doctoral students' research funds.
Event sponsored by sas.