2023: Susan M. Gapstur, PhD, MPH

Susan M. Gapstur presented the 8th annual Richard V. Lee Lecture on Fri., Nov. 3.

"Alcoholic Beverage Consumption and Cancer Risk: A Growing Body of Scientific Evidence"

Susan M. Gapstur, PhD, MPH, is an epidemiology consultant with over 30 years of scientific experience researching medical, biological and lifestyle determinants of cancer risk including alcoholic beverage consumption. She was senior vice president of the Behavioral and Epidemiology Research Group at the American Cancer Society before embarking on her current work producing a comprehensive review and evaluation of the scientific evidence on the potential reduction in alcohol-related cancer risk due to reduction or cessation of alcoholic beverage consumption. Dr. Gapstur was previously a professor in the Department of Preventive Medicine at Northwestern University and the associate director of Cancer Prevention and Control in the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University in Chicago.

  • Gapstur presented her lecture on ""Alcoholic Beverage Consumption and Cancer Risk: A Growing Body of Scientific Evidence."
    Gapstur presented her lecture on ""Alcoholic Beverage Consumption and Cancer Risk: A Growing Body of Scientific Evidence."