Personalized sub-symptom threshold aerobic exercise utilizing the Buffalo Concussion Treadmill Test is an evidence-based treatment that can safely speed sport-related concussion recovery.
Lead PI: John Leddy
Co-I’s in Rehab Science: Christopher Stavisky and Jacob McPherson
Funding Agency: Department of Defense (CDMRP)
Date Awarded: January 1, 2023
Abstract: In this current research project, Exercise Reset for Concussion – Modifying the Buffalo Concussion Protocol for Application in a Military Environment, we aim to demonstrate that early, personalized aerobic exercise based on a newly developed field-ready exercise test safely improves concussion recovery and speeds return-to-duty in concussed military service members. We are interested in investigating the expansion of the application of personalized sub-threshold aerobic exercise in a military context and determining whether aerobic exercise accelerates recovery or possibly reverses physiological dysfunction after concussion in military service members. We are also examining potential mechanisms for the beneficial effect of aerobic exercise on the concussed brain in this population, such as autonomic function, neuroplasticity, and mental health.