Through this four-year program, you will earn an MPH degree in health services administration and a Juris Doctor (JD) degree.
This collaborative program fosters the critical interrelationship between the delivery of health care services, the protection of public health and the legal system. You will be prepared to deal with the complexities of our current legal and health care systems, and to appreciate the expanding sources of conflict between individual and broader community-based health care needs and interests.
Our MPH curriculum provides comprehensive foundational public health knowledge, and practical skills needed to address current and emerging public health problems. You’ll complete a minimum of 43 credits.
The JD curriculum deepens your understanding of the work lawyers do and trains you on ways to approach complex legal problems. You will be equipped to address major problems and transactions from the start of your career. You'll complete 90 credits.
JD/MPH students can share a maximum of 12 credits toward both degrees. Qualifying LAW electives that may be shared with the MPH are:
Other requests for sharing courses are reviewed and approved by the MPH concentration director based on public health or health administration-related content, public health or population-level integration into the content, and applicability to the concentration.
Public health-relevant law clinics may be shared with the MPH field training requirement for up to 6 credits with approval from the MPH program director.
Complete 3 years of the JD and 1 year of the MPH. We recommend beginning with JD courses in Year 1. Your MPH can be completed any year.
Once accepted into the JD/MPH you must complete the JD within 5 years. See a possible course timeline below.
Foundational and concentration-required courses
* May qualify as shared credits between JD and MPH.
Remaining foundational and concentration-required courses
Complete 3 elective courses in any year, any semester. Some courses taken during JD years may also qualify as MPH electives.
Health services administration elective course options (3 cr. each)*
Field training experience (may be shared with a future JD practice experience)
EEH 544 Field Training (3 cr.)*
Integrative project
EEH 630 Integrative Project (3 cr.)
* May qualify as shared credits between JD and MPH.
You will need to submit separate applications to and be admitted to the School of Law, and the School of Public Health and Health Professions.
Contact our concentration directors before applying in regards to completing courses in both schools so that they are accepted towards the combined degree.
Department of Epidemiology and Environmental Health
270 Farber Hall
Buffalo, NY 14214