Hydration, Exercise, and Thermoregulation (HEAT) Laboratory

The HEAT Lab conducts research to improve the health and safety of workers, Warfighters, and athletes in extreme environments.

Grant funding: $2.03 m. Number of studies: 14. Students in lab: 43.

Our Research

Boots, water bottle.

The HEAT Lab creates heat strain prevention and intervention strategies to ensure active populations remain safe and healthy in extreme environments.

Our Team

Photographer: Meredith Forrest Kulwicki.

The HEAT Lab research team is comprised of faculty and students from the University at Buffalo. 

Student Research Opportunities

Metabolic Cart.

The HEAT Lab is actively seeking UB undergraduate students and MS and PhD students from the community. Students have many hands-on opportunities to learn how to conduct all aspects of research.

Participate in a Study

Running up the stairs.

Interested in participating in a research study or learning more?