Riana R. Pryor


Riana Pryor.

Riana R. Pryor


Riana R. Pryor


Selected Publications

  • Bachraty JP, Qiao J, Powers ES, Vandermark LW, Pryor JL, Pryor RR. Plateau in core temperature during shorter but not longer work/rest cycles in heat. Int J Environ Res Pub Health. 2024; 21:371.
  • Pryor RR, Haboian K, Fitts T, Stooks J. Tarp-assisted cooling for exertional heat stroke treatment in the wilderness. Wild Environ Med. 2023;34(4):490-497.
  • Pryor RR, Larson JR, Vandermark LW, Johnson BD, Schlader ZJ. Water consumption patterns impact hydration markers in males working in accordance with the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health recommendations. J Occup Environ Hyg. 2023;20(9):414-425.
  • Wheelock CE, Looney DP, Potter AW, Pryor RR, Pryor JL, Florian J, Hostler D. Diver underwater cycling endurance after short-term water and hot water acclimation. Mil Med. 2023;188(9-10):3071-3078.
  • Lavoie EM, Holden LD, Vangala SV, Santee WR, Pryor RR, Friedl KE, Potter AW, Looney DP. Effects of modern military footwear on the oxygen costs of walking in US Army personnel. Footwear Science. 2023;15(1):1-8.
  • Hess HW, Stooks J, Baker T, Chapman C, Johnson BD, Pryor RR, Basile D, Monroe J, Hostler D, Schlader ZJ. Kidney Injury Risk During Prolonged Exposure to Current and Projected Wet Bulb Temperatures Occurring during Extreme Heat Events in Healthy Young Men. J Appl Physiol. 2022;133(1):27-40.
  • Schlader ZJ, Johnson BD, Pryor RR, Stooks J, Siders B, Clemency BM, Hostler D. Physical symptoms provoked by normobaric hot and humid disabled pressurized rescue module scenarios. Undersea Hyperbar Med J. 2022;49(4):447-457.
  • Sweet DK, Wheelock CE, Schwob J, Stooks J, Clemency BM, St James E, Pryor RR, Schlader ZJ, Hostler D. Thermoregulation during a six-hour exposure to warm, humid hyperbaric conditions. Undersea Hyperbar Med J. 2022;49(4):459-465.
  • Pryor RR, Pryor JL, McDermott BP. Persistent knowledge gaps regarding exertional heat stroke treatment. J Athl Train. 2022;57(6):756-759.
  • Bartman NE, Larson JL, Johnson BD, Schlader ZJ, Hostler D, Pryor RR. Do the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health recommendations for work in the heat prevent hyperthermia and dehydration? J Occup Environ Hyg. 2022. 19;10-11:596-602.
  • Potter AW, Hunt AP, Pryor JL, Pryor RR, Stewart IB, Gonzalez JA, Xu X, Waldock KAM, Hancock JW, Looney DP. Practical method for determining safe work duration and prediction of core body temperature while wearing explosive ordnance disposal suits. Safety Science. 2022;141:105328.
  • Pryor JL, Root H, Burbulys E, Pryor RR. Movement technique during jump-landing differs between sex among athletic playing surfaces. J Strength Cond Res. 2022;36(3):667-673. 
  • Wheelock CE, Looney DP, Potter AW, Pryor RR, Pryor JL, Florian J, Hostler D. Exercise during hot water immersion in divers habituated to hot-dry and hot-wet conditions. Undersea Hyperbar Med. 2022;49(2):197-206.
  • Pryor RR, Pryor JL, Vandermark LW, Adams EL, Brodeur RM, Armstrong LE, Lee EC, Maresh CM, Casa DJ. Short term heat acclimation reduces heat strain during a first, but not second, consecutive work session in the heat. J Sci Med Sport. 2021;24(8):768-773.
  • Morrissey MC, Casa DJ, Brewer GJ, Adams WM, Hosokawa Y, Benjamin CL, Grundstein AJ, Hostler D, McDermott BP, McQuerry ML, Stearns RL, Filep EL, DeGroot DW, Fulcher J, Flouris AD, Jacklitsch BL, Jardine JF, Lopez RM, McCarthy RB, Pitisladis Y, Pryor RR, Schlader ZJ, Smith CJ, Smith DL, Spector JT, Vanos JK, Williams WJ, Vargas NT, Yeargin SW. Heat safety in the workplace: Modified Delphi consensus to establish strategies and resources at the organizational level to protect U.S. workers. Geohealth. 2021;5:e2021GH000443.
  • Chapman CL, Johnson BD, Parker MD, Hostler D, Pryor RR, Schlader ZJ. Kidney physiology and pathophysiology during heat stress and the modification by exercise, dehydration, heat acclimation and aging. Temperature. 2021;8(2):108-159.
  • Schlader ZJ, Johnson BJ, Pryor RR, Stooks J, Clemency B, Hostler D. Human thermoregulation during prolonged exposure to warm and extremely humid environments expected to occur in disabled submarine scenarios. Am J Phys-Reg Int Comp Phys. 2020;315(5):R950-R960.
  • Pryor RR, Pryor JL, Vandermark LW, Adams EL, Brodeur RM, Schlader Z, Armstrong LE. Lee EC, Maresh CM, Casa DJ. Acute kidney injury biomarker responses to short term heat acclimation. Int J Environ Res Pub Health. 2020;17(4):1325.
  • Pryor RR, Pryor JL, Vandermark LW, Adams EL, Brodeur RM, Armstrong LE, Lee EC, Maresh CM, Anderson JM, Casa DJ. Exacerbated heat strain during consecutive days of repeated exercise sessions in heat. J Sci Med Sport. 2019;22:1084-1089.
  • Huggins RA, Coleman K, Attanasio SM, Cooper L, Endres B, Harper R, Huemme K, Morris R, Pike AM, Peterson B, Pryor RR, Casa DJ. Athletic trainer services in the secondary school setting: The athletic training locations and services project. J Athl Train. 2019;54(11):1129-1139.
  • Kerr ZY, Register-Mihalik JK, Pryor RR, Hosokawa Y, Scarneo SE, Casa DJ. Compliance with the NATA Inter-Association Task Force preseason heat acclimatization guidelines in high school football. J Athl Train. 2019;54(7).749-757.
  • Schlader ZJ, Hostler D, Parker MD, Pryor RR, Lohr JW, Johnson BD, Chapman CL. The potential for renal injury elicited by physical work in the heat. Nutrients. 2019;11(9):2087.
  • Pryor JL, Pryor RR, Vandermark LW, Adams EL, VanScoy RM, Casa DJ, Armstrong LE, Lee EC, DiStefano LJ, Anderson JM, Maresh CM. Intermittent exercise-heat exposures and intense physical activity sustain heat acclimation adaptations. J Sci Med Sport. 2019;22(1):117-122.
  • Pryor RR, Casa DJ, Yeargin SW, Kerr ZY. Sports medicine staff size influences exertional heat illness policies in high school football. Int J Athl Therapy Train. 2018;23(4):172-177.
  • *Pryor JL, Pryor RR, Casa DJ, Grundstein AJ. Heat strain of various athletic surfaces: A comparison between observed and modeled wet-bulb globe temperature. J Athl Train. 2017;52(11):1056-1064.
  • Vandermark LW, Pryor RR, Pike AM, Mazerolle SM, Casa DJ. Medical care in the secondary school setting: Who is providing care in lieu of an athletic trainer?  Athl Train Sports Health Care. 2017;9(2):89-96.
  • Pike AM, Pryor RR, Vandermark LW, Mazerolle SM, Casa DJ. Athletic trainer services in public and private secondary schools. J Athl Train. 2017;52(1):5-11.
  • Adams EL, Vandermark LW, Pryor JL, Pryor RR, VanScoy RM, Denegar CR, Huggins RA, Casa DJ. Effects of heat acclimation on hand cooling efficacy following exercise in the heat. J Sport Sci. 2017;35(9):828-834.
  • Pike AM, Pryor RR, Mazerolle SM, Stearns RL. Casa DJ. A description of athletic trainer services in private secondary schools. J Athl Train. 2016;51(9):717-726.
  • Pryor RR, Suyama J, Guyette FX, Reis SE, Hostler D. Ice slurry precooling decreases core temperature during exertion in wildland firefighting gear. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2015;19(2):241-246.
  • Pryor RR, Casa DJ, Vandermark LW, Attanasio SM, Fontaine GJ, Wafer AM. Athletic training coverage in United States public secondary schools: A benchmark study. J Athl Train. 2015;50(2):156-162.
  • Hostler D, Suyama J, Guyette FX, Moore CG, Pryor RR, Khorana P, McEntire SJ, Comer D, Reis SE. A randomized controlled trial of aspirin and exertional heat stress activation of platelets in firefighters during exertion in thermal protective clothing. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2014;18(3):359-357.
  • Pryor RR, Casa DJ, Holschen J, O’Connor FG, Vandermark LW. Exertional heat stroke: Strategies for prevention and treatment from the sports field to the emergency room. Clin Ped Emerg Med. 2013;14(4):267-278.
  • Pryor RR, Casa DJ, Adams WM, Belval LN, DeMartini JK, Huggins RA, Stearns RL, Vandermark LW. Maximizing athletic performance in the heat. Strength Con J. 2013;35(6):24-33.
  • Parker SM, Erin JR, Pryor RR, Khorana P, Suyama J, Guyette FX, Reis SE, Hostler D. The effect of prolonged light intensity exercise in the heat on executive function. Wild Environ Med. 2013;24:203-210.
  • Casa DJ, Almquist J, Anderson SA, Baker L, Bergeron MF, Biagioli B, Boden B, Brenner JS, Carroll M, Colgate B, Cooper L, Courson R, Csillan D, DeMartini JK, Drezner JA, Erickson T, Ferrara MS, Fleck SJ, Franks R, Guskiewicz KM, Holcomb WR, Huggins RA, Lopez RM, Mayer T, McHenry P, Mihalik JP, O’Connor FG, Pagnotta KD, Pryor RR, Reynolds J, Stearns RL, Valentine V. The inter-association task force for preventing sudden death in secondary school athletic programs: Best practices recommendations. J Athl Train. 2013;48(4):546-553.
  • Pryor RR, Seitz JR, Morley J, Suyama J, Guyette FX, Reis SE, Hostler D. Estimating core temperature with external devices after exertional heat stress in thermal protective clothing. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2012;16(1):136-141.